The usa is useing FLUORIDE to help Teeth


Well-Known Member
im not pissed but most people on here are the same like how you justthink youre the only one how knows all this BUT still you dont talk about it lol ...
just like the rest ...

As i fucking said..

"There's a hell of a lot of shit you and i don't even know about that goes on."

READ the posts properly..

I never said i was the only one to know something.
You said that, not me.

I mean come on.. What the hell?



Well-Known Member
350,000,000 americans and no one cares WTF is this wold coming too ....
kick off ...damn people are meant to be as one

government means control of the mind
There are FAR worse things out there than fluoridated water,we Americans do care but there are just bigger fish to fry.Besides we can always choose not to drink the water and most of us do but not because of fluoride but because of arsenic,chlorine,and the "acceptable" amount of fecal waste allowed in it.:peace:


Well-Known Member
LOL im guess you dont even know what the hell it does to you .....damn i dont care its not in my water so fuck you ..cunts ...shit i try to help ..but you just take it up the ass ...saying nothing when your kids are feeling it

and all the information is out there but if your to fucking dumb to even read it...


Well-Known Member
LOL im guess you dont even know what the hell it does to you .....damn i dont care its not in my water so fuck you ..cunts ...shit i try to help ..but you just take it up the ass ...saying nothing when your kids are feeling it

and all the information is out there but if your to fucking dumb to even read it...

See. That's the hostility that i was talking about.

It sickens me to think that the people on rollitup will get the wrong idea about people from the UK because of you..


Well-Known Member
anyways lol ive had a smoke now ...and all im saying is why the hell is it still in there and noone cares like its not anything big ...!!


Well-Known Member
You're so intelligent. :)

No really.
I'm shocked.. :-|

HAHAHA lol where do you live coz i havnt got Fluoride in are water supply .... lol

The addition of fluoride to water has been researched for over 50 years ... UK population's water supply - mainly in the West Midlands and the North East.

Fluoride is a natural mineral that is found in many foods and in all drinking water. The amount of Fluoride in the water varies from area to area
Possibly. However, only a few places (Hartlepool in the North East of England , and parts of Essex) have enough natural fluoride to benefit dental health. Elsewhere it is added to only around 10 percent of the UK population's water supply - mainly in the West Midlands and the North East. Your water supplier will be able to tell you whether your water supply is fluoridated. The amount of fluoride in the water will vary depending on which area you live in. Fluoride is also naturally present in foods and drinks such as fish and tea, and some countries add fluoride to their table salt and milk instead of fluoridating the water supplies. One cup of tea can contain between 0.3mg and 0.5mg of fluoride, and if you drink it with milk your teeth will also benefit from the calcium. It is best to drink tea without sugar to reduce the risk of dental decay further.


Well-Known Member
China banned fluoride? Now that is totally fucked up,think about it.;-)
We dropped some nukes in Asia already, so they have some radioactivity to deal with. Ever notice how Asians are pretty smart people? :-|

FLUORIDE IS BAD BAD BAD and the gov't shouldn't be adding it to our water! Its one thing if it was used in toothpaste, but not in our drinking water. WTF!!!




Well-Known Member
and you wonder why the Brits have horrible teeth.....I don't know who is number 1 them or the Japanese...........these people don't even know what a tooth brush is


Well-Known Member
these people don't even know what a tooth brush is
That could be the reason why their dental hygiene is so bad, its not because they don't get fluorinated waters. There are clinical studies that show how fluorinated waters make no difference in regards to dental hygiene.




Well-Known Member
Hey I know a solution...BUY BOTTLED WATER! game ova:blsmoke:
The thing that sucks is that some bottled water comes from the tap. Just because its bottled water doesn't mean it has to come from a natural spring. When your buying bottled water your just getting that. If it says, from "the springs of maine" than you know you have fluoride free bottled water.

Let me show you a video that can explain it better. (I'm high right now anyways)

YouTube - Tap water test HAHA... Not every bottled water company is actual "spring" water. Some bottled water companies are fluorinated tap water. And the thing that sucks is that the bottle of water doesn't have to indicate if there is fluoride inside it or not! Isn't that messed up?:-|




Well-Known Member
The thing that sucks is that some bottled water comes from the tap. Just because its bottled water doesn't mean it has to come from a natural spring. When your buying bottled water your just getting that. If it says, from "the springs of maine" than you know you have fluoride free bottled water.

Let me show you a video that can explain it better. (I'm high right now anyways)

YouTube - Tap water test HAHA... Not every bottled water company is actual "spring" water. Some bottled water companies are fluorinated tap water. And the thing that sucks is that the bottle of water doesn't have to indicate if there is fluoride inside it or not! Isn't that messed up?:-|


damn...that sucks...another reason why I'm moving to Europe in the future.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
show me studies not video's
Read #3....:mrgreen:

I don't make up bullshit dude!

Fluoride is bad, and we need to make our gov't stop poisoning us!


A threat to your health and liberty

A Green Party 2003 elections briefing
Michelle Dixon

April 2003
Contact Green Party press office, 020 7561 0282, [email protected]


  1. [*]Introduction p 2
    [*]Fluoride is harmful to health p 2
    [*]Fluoride doesn’t reduce tooth decay p 3
    [*]Fluoridation contravenes human rights and medical ethics p 3
    [*]The government’s scientific advisors aren't being very scientific p 4
    [*]Fluoridation harms the environment p 4
    [*]Most countries don’t fluoridate p 4
8. Conclusion: Don't fluoridate – educate p 5
1. Introduction

1.1 Green Party candidates in this year’s elections to the National Assembly for Wales and the English local authorities are campaigning to prevent the fluoridation of Britain’s drinking water – or where the local water supply is already fluoridated, to stop this. The party will take a prominent role in combating fluoridation wherever the issue might be raised.

1.2 The Green Party believes fluoridation is unsound scientifically, medically and ethically:

    1. [*]There is considerable evidence that fluoride does not reduce tooth decay.
      [*]There is considerable concern that fluoride is linked to a wide range of medical disorders.
      [*]Fluoridation of water supplies is enforced mass medication. It is an infringement of human rights and medical ethics.
1.3 The government claims that fluoridation is a "safe and effective" way of reducing inequality in dental health despite a large body of evidence to the contrary. Fluoride is a highly toxic cumulative poison, a dangerous environmental pollutant and there is no evidence that it improves dental health.
1.4 Already, 10% of British people are involuntarily dosed with fluoride in their drinking water. Plans are to extend this initially to new regions and ultimately to the whole country.
1.5 This briefing sets out the reasons why fluoridation should be combated. Further information is provided in our report Truth Decay: Challenging New Labour's propaganda on water fluoridation, at .

2. Fluoride is harmful to health
2.1 ‘Fluoride’ in drinking water is hexafluorosilicic acid - a toxic and corrosive industrial waste by-product. Fluorides are medically categorised as protoplasmic poisons, which is why they are used in commercial rat poisons.
2.2 Hexafluorosilicic acid is a "hazardous waste". It is illegal to dump it at sea. The hexafluorosilicic acid used is also not a pure compound and is contaminated with other poisons such as arsenic and cancer-causing heavy metals like cadmium and even mercury.
2.3 Fluoride is more toxic than lead and only marginally less poisonous than arsenic. Scientific papers have argued that fluoride exposure disrupts the synthesis of collagen and leads to the breakdown of collagen in bone, tendon, muscle, skin, cartilage, lungs, kidney and trachea, inhibits antibody formation in the blood and confuses the immune system. It is known to promote Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
2.4 A recent study found that in the fluoridated Republic of Ireland, 40% more people contracted bone cancer than in non-fluoridated Northern Ireland. Fluoride also kills red blood cells and damages gastric mucosa. It is implicated in genetic disorders, low IQ levels in children, pre-senile dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, premature ageing and thyroid disorders and fluorides have been used to modify behaviour and moods of human beings.
2.5 Fluoride causes fluorosis. It has been found that there is more than double the rate of fluorosis is fluoridated communities than in those that are not fluoridated. Fluorosis affects teeth before they have erupted, so babies and young children are most at risk.
2.6 As fluoride consumption by human beings increases, so does the general cancer death rate. Calcium levels in the body decrease as fluoride levels rise. Fluoride increases the density of bones but changes their internal architecture. This makes bones more brittle and prone to fracture.
2.7 In Ireland, Europe's most heavily fluoridated country, The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) Scientific Committee has confirmed that bottle-fed infants are receiving unsafe fluoride levels. The US Academy of General Dentistry has advised that in fluoridated areas parents use low-fluoride bottled distilled water or tap water with a reverse osmosis home water filtration system attached that removes most of the fluoride.

3. Fluoride doesn’t reduce tooth decay
3.1 It is now widely thought that the main action of fluoride on teeth is a topical one, ie at the surface of the teeth, and not a systemic one as previously thought. Large-scale studies of the official school dental data of tens of thousands of children in the USA, New Zealand and Canada have shown that there is no difference in the incidence of decayed, missing and filled teeth (DMFT) between fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas.
3.2 The Republic of Ireland has been fluoridated for about 40 years. Its DMFT level is worse than four countries which have no fluoridation and one which has only 10% fluoridation. Ireland’s DMFT level is only very marginally better than non-fluoridated France and Switzerland, where only one city is fluoridated. Most countries have experienced major declines in DMFT without fluoridation. Several have achieved sharper reductions in tooth decay without fluoridation than Ireland has achieved with fluoridation.
3.3 In India, a 30-year study involving the examination of the teeth of over 400,000 children found that tooth decay increased as fluoride intake increased.
3.4 In Britain, the National Pure Water Association (NPWA) has repeatedly asked the UK Department of Health to cite one scientific or laboratory study from anywhere in the world which proves that fluoridation reduces tooth decay in humans. They have failed to do so.

4. Fluoridation contravenes human rights and
medical ethics
4.1 It is a standard medical ethic that no person should be forced to take medicine without their consent. However, the government’s Medicines Control Agency considers that fluoridated drinking water is not a medicine. But of course it is! – it’s a substance intended to promote bodily change supposedly to improve an aspect of health.
4.2 It is a matter of human rights that people should have control over their own bodies especially where harmful substances are concerned. It is possible that water fluoridation could be challenged under Article 8 of the Human Rights Act 2000.
4.3 The Labour government has refused to sign the European Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, signed by 29 other European countries. Statements made in Article 5 are entirely incompatible with water fluoridation.
5. The government’s scientific advisors
aren't being very scientific
5.1 The UK Department of Health insists that "Water fluoridation is safe and effective and no adverse effects have ever been found." In view of the wealth of evidence available from around the world, this is astonishing.
5.2 The NHS lacks a facility for testing fluoride levels in blood and urine and therefore has no way to identify the effects of fluoride.
5.3 In 1998 Dr Peter Mansfield, Director of the Templegarth Trust, tested over 200 volunteers from the fluoridated West Midlands. He found that 60% of them were ingesting up to four times the amount of fluoride considered by the government to be safe. He sent the results to the very highest levels at the Department of Health - and was ignored.
5.4 Artificial fluoridation chemicals and fluoridated toothpaste have never been scrutinised by the Medicines Control Agency, and attempts to get them to do so have been rebuffed. The government has rejected the call for a full public inquiry into the effects of fluoridation. Meanwhile the government uses taxpayers' money to fund the British Fluoridation Society Ltd. For many years this funding has been in excess of £100,000 a year.

6. Fluoridation harms the environment
6.1 Artificial water fluoridation is pollution. More than 99.5% of fluoride added to drinking water ends up going down the drain. Even in the case of a small country like Ireland, this amounts to 2000 gallons of hexafluorosilicic acid being released into the environment every day. One manufacturer has warned it should never be allowed to enter the environment.
6.2 To date, no environmental impact study of the effects of fluoride in the environment has been done. But the National Pure Water Association in Britain estimates that if Tony Blair were allowed to fluoridate 85% of UK water supplies, this would lead to 45-50,000 tonnes of hexafluorosilicic acid being poured into our environment every year. This would be a serious threat to plant and aquatic life.
6.3 Water fluoridation also threatens the organic food industry. Any crops irrigated with fluoridated water would be likely to fail the Soil Association's tests.

7. Most countries don’t fluoridate
7.1 Most European governments oppose fluoridation. Some, like France, have never allowed it. Many others have abandoned it after increasing health concerns. Japan, which began fluoridation in 1952, ceased it in 1972. Countries from China to the Netherlands have banned fluoridation.
7.2 In North America, the home of fluoridation, there is growing opposition to it. Between July 1990 and March 2000, 77 American and Canadian cities either rejected fluoridation or abandoned existing schemes, some after several decades of fluoridation. From August 2002 Belgium went as far as banning the sale of fluoride tablets and chewing gum which contain fluoride after fears that the chemical may cause brittle bones.
7.3 In 1997, more than 1,000 members of the union working at the Environmental Protection Agency HQ in Washington DC voted unanimously in favour of banning water fluoridation. Even the Irish Republic is having doubts on fluoridation.
7.4 Fluoridation in the UK is based on the 1985 Water Fluoridation Act. The act was passed with only a quarter of MPs voting in favour of allowing fluoridation, while the vast majority abstained. Now Tony Blair wants to introduce enforced fluoridation by "encouraging" local health authorities to request it. He wants to compel water companies to fluoridate when local authorities call for it. Labour doubtless hopes to target areas piecemeal in order to avoid a general national debate on the issue.

8. Conclusion: Don't fluoridate - educate
8.1 Tooth decay is caused by poor dental hygiene and excessive consumption of refined sugar products. Fluoridation doesn’t address this at all.

8.2 The Green Party wants:

  1. [*]A programme of education of children and adults regarding proper dental hygiene and healthy diet.
    [*]A ban on the fluoridation of drinking water.
    [*]A health warning on all sources of fluoride intended for human consumption.


Well-Known Member
You best not be talking about the english there ::

Originally Posted by natrone23
these people don't even know what a tooth brush is

Some dental professionals are concerned that the growing use of bottled water may decrease the amount of fluoride exposure people will receive.[146] Some bottlers such as Danone have begun adding fluoride to their water.[147] On April 17, 2007, Medical News Today stated, "There is no correlation between the increased consumption of bottled water and an increase in cavities."[148]
In October 2006, the United States Food and Drug Administration issued a health claim notification permitting water bottlers to claim that fluoridated bottled water can promote oral health. The claims are not allowed to be made on bottled water marketed to infants.[149]

United KingdomAround 10% of the population of the United Kingdom receives fluoridated water.[71][72] The All Party Parliamentary Group on Primary Care and Public Health recommended in April 2003 that fluoridation be introduced "as a legitimate and effective means of tackling dental health inequalities", laws were created allowing but not requiring fluoridation of water. The following UK utilities companies fluoridate their water Anglian Water Services Ltd., Northumbrian Water Ltd., South Staffordshire Water plc, Severn Trent plc and United Utilities Water plc. Earlier schemes were undertaken in the Health Authority areas of Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire, Birmingham and the Black Country, Cheshire and Merseyside, County Durham and Tees Valley, Cumbria and Lancashire, North and East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear, Shropshire and Staffordshire, Trent, and West Midlands South whereby fluoridation was introduced progressively in the years between 1964 and 1988.[73]

United States
As of May 2000, 42 of the 50 largest U.S. cities had water fluoridation.[80] According to a 2002 study,[81] 67% of U.S. residents were living in communities with fluoridated water at that time.
The United States Centers for Disease Control proclaims, "Community water fluoridation is safe and effective in preventing tooth decay, and has been identified by CDC as one of 10 great public health achievements of the 20th century." [82]The CDC states that water fluoridation is safe at a level of (0.7 mg/L-1.2 mg/L). The CDC also advises avoiding water with fluoride concentrations of 2mg/L or higher for children up to age 8.[83] There is a CDC database for researching the water fluoridation status of neighborhood water.[84]
In 1998, 70% of people polled in a survey conducted by the American Dental Association (ADA) believed community water should be fluoridated, with 18% disagreeing and the rest undecided.[85] In November of 2006, the ADA began recommending to parents that infants from 0 through 12 months of age should have their formula prepared with water that is fluoride-free or contains low levels of fluoride to reduce the risk of fluorosis.[86]
The issue of whether or not to fluoridate water supplies frequently arises in local governments. For example, on November 8, 2005, citizens of Mt. Pleasant, Michigan voted 63% to 37% in favor of reinstating fluoridation in public drinking water after a 2004 ballot initiative ceased water fluoridation in the city.[87] At the same time, voters in Xenia, Ohio; Springfield, Ohio; Bellingham, Washington; and Tooele City, Utah all rejected water fluoridation.[88]
In Skagit County, in Washington State, the county commissioners have voted 2 to 1 to order the local public utility district to begin fluoridating the public water supply by Jan. 2009. $1.2 million could be provided by the privately funded Washington Dental Service Foundation to begin building the equipment needed to add fluoride chemicals to the Judy Resevoir, which supplies the majority of Skagit Valley's water customers. The source and type of fluoride to be added to the drinking water of more than 70,000 citizens has not been disclosed.[89]
The cost of adding fluoridation chemicals to the water of 44 Florida communities has been researched by the State Health Office in Tallahassee.[90] In communities with a population of over 50,000 people, fluoridation costs were estimated at 31 cents per person per year. The estimated cost rises to $2.12 per person in areas with a population below 10,000. Unintended consequences, such as equipment malfunction, can substantially raise the financial burden, as well as the health risks, to the consumer.[91][92] [93] [94] [95] [96][97] [98]


Well-Known Member
3. Fluoride doesn’t reduce tooth decay
3.1 It is now widely thought that the main action of fluoride on teeth is a topical one, ie at the surface of the teeth, and not a systemic one as previously thought. Large-scale studies of the official school dental data of tens of thousands of children in the USA, New Zealand and Canada have shown that there is no difference in the incidence of decayed, missing and filled teeth (DMFT) between fluoridated and non-fluoridated areas.
3.2 The Republic of Ireland has been fluoridated for about 40 years. Its DMFT level is worse than four countries which have no fluoridation and one which has only 10% fluoridation. Ireland’s DMFT level is only very marginally better than non-fluoridated France and Switzerland, where only one city is fluoridated. Most countries have experienced major declines in DMFT without fluoridation. Several have achieved sharper reductions in tooth decay without fluoridation than Ireland has achieved with fluoridation.
3.3 In India, a 30-year study involving the examination of the teeth of over 400,000 children found that tooth decay increased as fluoride intake increased.
3.4 In Britain, the National Pure Water Association (NPWA) has repeatedly asked the UK Department of Health to cite one scientific or laboratory study from anywhere in the world which proves that fluoridation reduces tooth decay in humans. They have failed to do so.


Well-Known Member
LOL i made this thread i know it fucks you up ....but just one thing is how you guys think the people of the usa have better teeth ..than the people from the uk ......
IS THAT BECAUSE Fluoridated Water