The wierdest little plant.


Well-Known Member
I have had this vegging under CFL 105w for three weeks now, It had a bad run in with a lamp that my wife put too close, major canopy burn (like all of it, lesson learned the hard way huh).

It has not grown an inch since then... almost five days. But the plant Just popped sex and I do not know what to do!!!

I had trimmed all of the dry crispy leaves off. and this is what remains

Is this thing going to Vegg anymore? Is it worth keeping around? It is a female, but will I even get a yield? this is the wierdest thing I have seen... a plant sexing with no leaves or growth to support Buds, and so young too. Weird.

WTF? Help.:wall:


Well-Known Member
I assure you it has shown sex. it is showing pistles an calyxes at the base of the leaves, I was so taken aback I even took out my 12x scope to look, you just cant make them out with the bad camera.


Well-Known Member
you just told another grower "they had a bitch" but you cant see shit look around the forum so you know what to look for


Well-Known Member
you just told another grower "they had a bitch" but you cant see shit look around the forum so you know what to look for

excuse me but I think I do know what to look for. If I recall, correctly a couple of the photos that other guy showed were female...

so is this plant, if you have nothing constructive to add about the questions I asked... then hold your post, It is A Female, and it is an extreme runt,
I ask... should I keep it, or loose it because of its size.

I am sure you have seen plants do funny things, so have I.


Well-Known Member
vegging for three weeks and go back to the post one other user saw a male and the others are not indicating or is that a big word for ya:)


Well-Known Member
dude. it lookes like a clone, a really small one, i say its done for, pull it, start over, you could be farther than you are now with the 2 weeks you wasted, but hey maybe you could pull it back to health, its going to be so slow, and idk if it would even be worth it... just me tho... good luck.


Well-Known Member
thats mrs.actualy look at what iv grown with so much to learn

most are here to learn including myself so sorry for you


Well-Known Member
dude. it lookes like a clone, a really small one, i say its done for, pull it, start over, you could be farther than you are now with the 2 weeks you wasted, but hey maybe you could pull it back to health, its going to be so slow, and idk if it would even be worth it... just me tho... good luck.

Thank you for answering my Questions Glass... I bet it would be a long road for this one, I think photosynthesis would be a battle for the next few weeks. but it is easy to press the reset button.


Well-Known Member
he he look at what everyone said

if its a clone it may flower in two or three weeks but you said you vegged and all i can say is sorry for trying to help im out


Well-Known Member
i could see a plant showing sex after 3 weeks. you guys dont know how plants work really well do ya? (the people that doubt flowering in 3rd week). my best guess is that when the plant first started to get really streased, when it started to get burnt, it told itself that it was entering harsh conditions. when this happens to plants it can speed up theyre maturation, putting all theyre energy into growing seeds, or flowers, if possable befor it dies, its the way plants try to preserve the species, even if it wouldnt make it through flowering it would still try to do it.


Well-Known Member
plus as long as its under 18 hours of light it would still grow as vegitative, it would just have like one stigma per budd site. then when you switch it over to 12/12 the flowers will start to grow from more than one to alot.


Well-Known Member
WOW... now that I did not know.

But it makes sense, the plant was just trying to save itself.
now I am intrigued by what you said about keeping or letting the plant go, I almost want to find it the space and the light to see what it could do...
but the time factor almost outweighs its potential, as it will probably be the lowest of the lowrider style plant. but who knows right.

the only problem I have with keeping the plant is the vegetation is almost non-existent after the burn, so it will be weeks before I can watch more dramatic growth. I almost want to see what happens though, as this plant was going to be a CFL grow. it will only cost me time, and not much $.

thanks for the info GlassFreak!


Well-Known Member

Ditch that and start over =)

Make you start the new one 18 light 6 dark, as previously mentioned.

I would also recommend picking up a couple more CFL's, they are definitely worth it.

A good rule of thumb to prevent light burn is to put your hand between the plant and the light and if you can hold it there for 45 seconds without it getting to hot the plant will be fine.

Best of luck,
