The You Know Your A Grower Thread


Well-Known Member
you cant afford a hps because you started this obsession too you spend $140 on CFL'S


65. When you religiously turn off lights behind family members, and flip the breaker on the water heater every morning/evening in an attempt to lower the electric bill

66. When more than 70% of your real life friends were met through a website such as RIU :)


67ish. When your neighborhood experiences daily brown-outs that last exactly 12 hours for 8 weeks.


Well-Known Member
68. Every spring you go to town buying nutes, soil ammenders, soil, pots, all this crap, and always have to talk about the garden your growing, yet come fall, you never have any veggies to show for it and half the town thinks you couldnt grow an ingrown hair lol....
69. You have spent 40 hours modifying a cabinet that took 30 mins to put together out of the box


New Member
When you own more than 8 thermometers
When your circadian rythym wakes you up at lights on time, no alarm needed
When you always have that sneaking suspicion you left the door open, and the cats got in there
When you walk out of the grocery store with planting pots, perlite, soil test kits, distilled water, and nothing else. In mid winter
When you do your own apartment repairs, even over $20, just to avoid calling maintenance
When you go to get your mail in the middle of the night, just so you can see if there are any light leaks
When you have declined sex to attend to urgent horticural matters <-----(has not happened to me yet, but I imagine this is when I will know for sure)


New Member
79 When you gently dropped bags of trash into the dumpster at 2:30 am after grinding clippings to dust, placing them into wheat thins box, and stuffing the wheat thins box into the middle of the trash bag (and I am legal!)


Well-Known Member
80. when you have your friends from different parts of town come by to pick up garbage bags full of clippings and rockwool cubes in exchange for dub sacks so they can take them to their part of town to dispose of them.

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
82 when u can't pay attention to ur peepz talkin to u cuz your daydreamin of ur stash! N they ask where r u??? Lol if u knew lol... :bigjoint: