There are no silicon based lifeforms on planet earth.


Well-Known Member
We are made of carbon, not silicon.
whats your point? and we are Actually made up of Many Different Compounds/Chemicals, Not just carbon. And Actually we as Human Beings Do Have silicon in our Body Makeup just look at this quick reference to wikipedia

Looks to me we are Actually Mainly Oxygen Not carbon, and Then Hydrogen... well you can read for yourself, can't you..


Well-Known Member

whats your point? and we are Actually made up of Many Different Compounds/Chemicals, Not just carbon. And Actually we as Human Beings Do Have silicon in our Body Makeup just look at this quick reference to wikipedia

Looks to me we are Actually Mainly Oxygen Not carbon, and Then Hydrogen... well you can read for yourself, can't you..
Because today is quote Star Trek Day in honor of Leonard Nimoy, may he rest in peace, there's only one way to describe us from the point of view of a silicon crystal based life form;

Indeed, Captain- humans can be fairly described as "Ugly bags of mostly water!"


Well-Known Member
Rocks have Si and can be argued that they are alive..
Many cultures, most aboriginal ones for example, believe rocks have consciousness, as do they who practice witchcraft, magick, and these mistical arts.

We are living organisms, rocks are too.. There are rocks that have 'hearts and organs' inside.. Fleshy rocks mon

You walk upon a goddess, her answers just need accurate vision to see

It's a foggy jog dawgy