There is still time to register in california!!!!!


THERE IS STILL TIME TO REGISTER. I went to my county office I asked what
the registration deadline is for a mail in ballot
I SHIT YOU NOT. I got a stack of reg forms and pressured all of my friends who smoke into registering. It's hard to say no when I have the form and a pen ready for them. They did say the only problem with registering that late is getting it back on time being 5 days before the vote. I helped my mother-in-law register a week ago and her ballot has already arrived..... she voted yes.
Don't let stoner pacifism stop Prop 19!


Active Member
Arnold all ready decriminalized it. All 19 does now is make a few people in oaksterdam very rich! we already have it legal, 19 would in a sense make regulations tougher than what they are now, and also loose california a whole LOT of federal grant money. Read between the lines ya horses arse.