Theres a storm coming, POWER CUTS!!!

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member
I just watched the weather forcast and there prodicting the worst storm in 20 Years!

I'm growing DWC, what happens if the bubbles stop, how long do I have before things start to die?


Well-Known Member
when is this storm supposed to come. and where is it goin to be the worst???????????????

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member
Don't really want to give away my location, west europ.
I can hear the wind getting up as we speak. hmm I hope my mobile doesn't blow away. :)


Well-Known Member
Whats the res temp? If its not too cold allready then throw something frozen in there. The cold water can hold a but-load more O2...should help it last longer without ill effects. Just don't get it below 58 or you'll hurt the plants. Just do something small so you don't hurt thr roots. Good Luck...and remember if there is lightning bend over and put your butt in the air so it won't hurt as


Well-Known Member
Holy Crap!!! I just checked the weather....that system is massive. I'll keep my toes crossed that your trailer doesn't blow away. If there is a lot a damage don't forget that a lot of people get busted for growing when natural diasters they check your place to make sure nobody is dead and stuff. Just a thought

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member
Hey, i'm still alive and the power stayed on. The storm just kinda stoped, really it was getting more and more windy and wet, then bang it just stoped. great. :)

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member
Plants are looking really happy allround. Deffinatly need some sort of power back up and that looks load cheaper than a PC backup power supply.

Been having problems with temps, but i think i have that under controle now.

Roots are looking happy to, getting bigger everyday. my babies. :)

Should have some liquid karma in the next few days, looking forward to seeing the differance that makes.

Really injoying this hydro thing. :hump: