They Lost their Smell


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I'm curious.

I'm into my first week of flowering and since I'm a noob to growing - only done it once before and got a few weeks into flowering and had to get rid of it - I'm not certain what to expect.

Anyway, I've noticed that my plants have lost their smell. I don't remember that happening before with the other grow. Is that normal in some strains? Are my plants going to be ok?

Also, I cloned the plants this time and most of them are doing well, two of them are struggling but I think will survive. What's weird is that my clones seem to be preflowering already and they're just little guys. Will that be okay until I'm ready to flower them? They're getting plenty of light - I have them in their own vegging room.

Anyway, thanks for reading my post and any advice, help, etc. would be greatly appreciated!


Active Member
You would really be surprised how much your body has built up a tolerance of the smell. I know I can't smell during flowering but if someone comes in it is a strong smell of sweetness!


Well-Known Member
Your clones are not preflowering, they are just at the same stage of life as the mother would have been if left to its own devices. In Other Words they are normal and everything sounds fine. Like Gamebuster said, your probably used to the smell.