They said I wouldn't make it under 2 cfl, THEY WERE WRONG!


Active Member
So about 3 month ago I decided to plant my bad seed. I put it under 1 18 watt and 1 23 watt cfls. Both warm white. Even tho it took forever to grow, it is now finally starting to flower and I am very happy =]. Alot of people said it wasnt going to grow or that if it does grow it isnt gonna yield very much. But I don't mind I had alot of fun with it. I wonder how much this plant is going to yield, the strain is some good old chronic =]


Active Member
Instead of going out and buying nutes and all those dank stuff for the plant, i decided hey it was only 1 plant so I'll use stuff around the house haha. Since it's been flowering for 2 weeks, so far the only nutes i give it is some water with sugar in it and every now and than my piss mix with water and sugar hahaha. The plant seems to love it. And awesome first grow itsgrowinglikeaweed, making me jealous =]