Thief's of this Industry

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
After one of my very recent experiences, I feel like this needs to happen.
This thread will be for informational purposes. It is to keep people informed of the companies that have caused us, the buyers, lost money due to intentional negligence or something of the sort. Or lied. etc.
Just remember that, some of the owners of these companies could very well be users on this sight. With that in mind, keep it factual and try to just explain your circumstances rather than 'personally attacking' the company or their respective owners.
Hopefully this will help newbies be able to make better buying decisions or what not, without having to feel the pain and loss that we have.
Good Luck!

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
If you are talking about getting ripped off by either bad advice or purchases...I haven't experienced it yet.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
i know a guy who has since left Washington who doesnt pay his venders

Canna PI was the place guy that ran its name was johnny

how many of you have been dicked by a vender or co op

to the people who are lost

MMJ and MJ is an industry, and within this industry certain individuals try and steal and lie and abuse growers/patients on there way to success

and are complete vampires sucking at the life blood of sick and ill indivduals

how is this hard to understand

im sure some of the older members and more connected members have stories of being fucked by a MMJ business or close to

this thread was spawned from another thread tha was about logic the owner admin of THCFARMER and about how has stolen money and seeds from breeders and does it continuously

stoned cockatoo

New Member
I woke up one morning to Arjan standing over my bed, he then proceeded to just slap the fucking shit out of me before diving out my window

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
greenhouse seeds . . .huh

going around the world to find landraces . .awesome

going around the worlds finding landraces giving the locals shitty greenhouse seeds to fuck up there landrace genetics for a few 100 generations

is as much a rape as any


Well-Known Member
First of all, the first post was vauge at best, and made little sense, so don't be a dick about people who didn't understand what the hell you were talking about.

Second, I'm old, and connected, and have never been ripped off by a dispensary. If you know what to look for, than you won't buy poorly grown herb. If you know how to grow, than you know you have a top shelf product thats worth good prices. Why would you leave your product and not get cash on the spot? Who does this? If you do, than your nuts.

Its kind of a buyer beware type industry. If you're inexperienced, than you become experienced by learning the hard way, like all of us have during our youth. Sadly, people that want to be well by using MMJ, need to have someone they can rely on to learn the ropes. If you don't know much about cars, than going to the shop for a repair can be dangerous to your wallet.

Anyway, sounds like you might have made a rookie mistake recently.


New Member
i know a guy who has since left Washington who doesnt pay his venders

Canna PI was the place guy that ran its name was johnny

how many of you have been dicked by a vender or co op

to the people who are lost

MMJ and MJ is an industry, and within this industry certain individuals try and steal and lie and abuse growers/patients on there way to success

and are complete vampires sucking at the life blood of sick and ill indivduals

how is this hard to understand

im sure some of the older members and more connected members have stories of being fucked by a MMJ business or close to

this thread was spawned from another thread tha was about logic the owner admin of THCFARMER and about how has stolen money and seeds from breeders and does it continuously
I don't live in a mmj friendly state so of course I wouldn't put the 2 together as I have no experience with that, so some of us might be confused because of that reason.

Brother Numsi

Well-Known Member
I think I got it right from the get go, but I'm 64 and was really stoned........not in an MMJ stste...just MJ state of mind :)
No blood no foul folks.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I think the O.P. is talking about seed banks? I don't know. Ambiguity is not my strong point.

The plural for thief is thieves. Just sayin'


Active Member
more importantly, i think we have uncovered a sock puppet here... started off with scrotie mcboogerballs bitching and ended up with sam well seedwell explaining why....

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
more importantly, i think we have uncovered a sock puppet here... started off with scrotie mcboogerballs bitching and ended up with sam well seedwell explaining why....
Ooooor... it could be your sockpuppet and you're just blaming sam to throw us off the scent OR OR (double or) It could be your original account and Righty is your sock puppet. OR OR OR (triple or) I could just be fucking around because I really don't give a shit. OR OR OR OR! (quadruple or) Nope.. that's all I got.