Things that kill people more often than pot...


Well-Known Member
Saw this on a reddit post & thought I'd re-post it here:
Obesity kills 30,000 people annually

Lightning kills 10,000 people annually

Texting kills 6,000 people annually

Hippos kill 2,900 people annually

Airplanes kill 1,200 people annually

Volcanoes kill 845 people annually

Autoerotic Ashpyxiation kills 600 people annually

Shopping on Black Friday kills 550 people annually

Falling Out of the Bed kills 400 people annually, in the US alone

Bathtubs kill 340 people annually

Deer kill 130 people annually

Icicles kill 100 people annually, in Russia alone

Hot Dogs kill 70 children annually

Tornadoes kill 60 people annually

Jellyfish kill 40 people annually

Dogs kill 30 people annually

Ants kill 30 people annually

High School Football kills 20 people annually

Vending Machines kills 13 people annually

Roller coasters kill 6 people annually

Sharks kill 5 people annually

Marijuana kills ZERO people annually
Here's the original link, with pictures :


Well-Known Member
I don't know if that list is entirely accurate, but I also don't care enough to do fact checking either.


Well-Known Member
Lol it might get a bit uncomfortable X3

I'll try. I'm going to start out with telling them my IQ, extracurricular activities, aspirations, anti drug (apart from pot) rants and then there's my physical appearance. Then I'll drop the 'I smoke a shotload of pot' bomb and watch their eyes fly open.

Negative stoner stereotype DESTROYED :3


Well-Known Member
Lol it might get a bit uncomfortable X3

I'll try. I'm going to start out with telling them my IQ, extracurricular activities, aspirations, anti drug (apart from pot) rants and then there's my physical appearance. Then I'll drop the 'I smoke a shotload of pot' bomb and watch their eyes fly open.

Negative stoner stereotype DESTROYED :3
And modest, too...



Well-Known Member
The list is a bit of icebreaking humor, but also making a point.

When I said about my physical appearance, I mean I look about 12, seriously. I've played with snifferdogs and not once have the police suspected me of anything. Like I said before I was in the station all day with a q on me.