Think I have a male

Is that possible with a male plant?
Nope, male plants don't grow any buds, what you're seeing are pollen sacs. When it reaches maturity, those sacs open and puff their magic dragons all over your females to pollinate them. That's why you get seeds in your buds of mid. Cut off one sac and many more will continue to grow. That is a useless plant unless you're trying to pollinate and get more seeds, which is not a bad idea if you buy seeds offline.


Well-Known Member
Looks like you have heat stress and maybe salt buildup as well. It's 90+ in your room? Cannabis has a difficult time growing abouve 85 degrees, try to keep it 60-85, preferably 60-80.

Warm temperatures create more male plants
High humidity increases females
Low growing medium increases males
More blue light increases females
Less hours of daylight (14 hours) increases females, longer days (18 hours) increase males
