Thinking of moving, whats the job market like?


Well-Known Member
Haha I completely agree about californians hating people from out of state. I still haven't gotten the tag on our 370Z switched over and I get random people flipping me the bird while driving down the road...and my whole neighborhood is trying to get the big bad pot grower to move out of the neighborhood. I like it here though...It's warm as shit...LA is a blast once you know where you are going...along with san diego. Might be going to san fran for the first time this weekend to check out the medical cannabis cup. The only thing I could see people from nyc complaining about in cali is that LA is nothing like anyone would imagine it. I think people come to LA expecting a bunch of fancy shit and things to be a bit more built up...but it's really spread out and if you don't have an idea of where you are going alot of LA seems a bit run down.


Well-Known Member
I've been wanting to move to the west coast for a long time now. Either Northern California or maybe Oregon. Just not sure how to go about it since I don't know anyone out there.
So you want rain and cold winters?


Well-Known Member
I'm going to be completely honest with you bro....fuck everyone that's telling you not to move here. These people have been stuck here their entire lives and never had the opportunity to find a decent job so they think the grass is greener on the other side. I'm sorry but no matter where you live if you don't have enough ambition and drive to go out there and make good never will...whether you are here, NYC, Chicago or any other major city.

I've lived here for about 3 the shittiest part of California....and I'm having a blast man. If you can't find a job....create your own...start fixing peoples a shop...whatever.
Exactly. Thats what I love about Cali, especially LA. If you dont have a job you can create your own. I personally know a shit load of ppl that make a living by just bartering and selling on Craigslist here.


Well-Known Member
Define cold. Where I live average winter lows are in the low 20's and routinely drop in the teens and single digits. And it's hot at balls here in the summer. 80's and 90's. The PNW is much more moderate.


Well-Known Member
Define cold. Where I live average winter lows are in the low 20's and routinely drop in the teens and single digits. And it's hot at balls here in the summer. 80's and 90's. The PNW is much more moderate.
cold is the middle of january and its negative 5 degrees out and the snow has turned into ice


Well-Known Member
Jesus christ! What is this? The My Cold Is Tougher Than Your Cold gameshow? :) No shit that it snows up there. It snows in Southern California, too. In the deserts.

There are plenty of places in the PNW and Nor Cal where snow is a rarity.


Well-Known Member
Well if your were born and raised somewhere, say, Southern Florida, your idea of "cold" is probably way different than someone born in Maine. So, when someone in Southern California said you need to watch out about the PNW because it gets cold up there I thought it was kind of funny since everything I read about the climate there indicates the winters are much more mild temp wise than here in the Northeast.

You damn kids today don't know what cold is. Back when I was a kid we had to walk 6 miles to school in waist high snow...uphill...both ways...



New Member
I'll tell you not to move here as well, but I will be honest about why. I am a California native. Born here in 71, lived here my whole life all over So Cal. We natives don't want you all to move here because there are too damn many people here already. In addition, no one likes it when people move to their home and then start bad mouthing it. Most outa staters do it, but New Yorkers are the worst. I can't count how many I have to to go back to NY if we suck so much. None of them do, though.

And yes, it can be more expensive to live here than some other parts of the country. Unfortunately as was said, if you really want to enjoy So Cal you need to be at least middle middle class. My wife and I have the most fun when our combined incomes get above 80K. IMO if you can't make at least 40K a year, don't move to So Cal. All you'll do is work and lament the high cost of everything. (And you'll be stuck living in the hot parts.)

Phishtank, you aren't anywhere near the shittiest part of Cal. You're definitely in red neck-ville, but try out the central valley, or Blythe, or even Barstow. Now that's shit. :-)

Currently the job market is shit. But one of the benefits to living in a big city or a major metropolis is that there are more opportunities to make your own job, than in a small town. Shit, if you have a pick up truck you can start your own pool boy service and kinda get by. This is where Phish is right... if you don't have ambition or drive, you're not going to make it anywhere.

And one last thing... if you're any kind of bigot you'll hate it here. EVERYONE lives here... all nationalities, gay, straight, freaky deakies, rednecks, cholos, academics... freaking everyone! So you have to learn to work with anyone and be neighbors with anyone.

Hope it helps, and I selfishly hope you don't move here. But if you do, good luck.
Totally agree^^^^^^^

If you do come here you have to get at least three others here to leave.