thinning out your canopy


Well-Known Member
I just wanted to get a few of you guy's view on this. I know most say not to remove fan leaves. BUT, what if your scrogging ? Now things are a bit closer & you have this you now remove some fan leaves to get light further down or no ?....what's more important, keeping fan leaves or getting light to the lower bud sights ?


Active Member
I am about to start a scrog and have been doing a ton of research. From what I have read it is best to cut all leaves under the screen and any leaves on top of the screen that are blocking a bud site. Hope this helps


First i'm not a scrogger but I would imagine that you could prune a few fan leaves every few days, not all at once, up until the stretch is over. Usually about the 3-4 weeks into 12/12 they will be done reaching and start filling out.


Well-Known Member
thanx....been growin a few years now & still trying different things & ways is all. Thanx again for your replies