Third week, still can't seem to add nutes?!


I put up another post, but I got very little response to it.

Ok I'm now on the third week, and I've still yet to use a real amount of nutrients based on what everyone here is saying (1200ppm? on third week of veg?)

My water is pretty much clear, there is almost NO nutrients in the water. I'm at 300 PPM or so. The plants are growing fast, but the tips are turning yellow with Nute Burn or so it seems.

Is it possible to have symptoms of nute burn as shown in those pics, but it is in fact nutrient deficiency? Or does that usually look like yellowing overall, not burn on the edges of the leaves?



At this point, from the look of those plants, should I pump up the nutes on one of them and see what happens?!


Well-Known Member
If you're wanting to give them nutes in the hopes that they'll start to take off and grow
faster, you're doing it for the wrong reasons.

In the waterfarms, the plants will really take off once the roots have worked their way
through the holes in the "netpot" and into the reservoir of nutes in the bottom. If you
have an airstone in the bottom of your waterfarm, that will really help things speed along
as well, but if your plants aren't ready for nutes, they aren't ready. You can't really do them
that much harm underfeeding them, but once you burn them you're really gonna slow things

Watch your ppms, if your ppms are dropping then your plant wants higher level of nutes, but
if your ppms are staying balanced or getting higher, then you should probably back off.

Oh, and burn typically starts on the outer edges of the leaves and work their way in. All strains
vary in how much they feed and I've had some plants I've completed with great results never
going over 900ppm. Just give the plant what it wants and pay attention to the signs :)


Active Member
Looking at those pics, I would say the only critique I could throw at you is to loose the plastic around the base of the plant. This is stopping air getting to the plant. I know you will have rockwool underneath which will green up with angae if you remove it however if you cover the rockwool with clay pellets, it will stop the algae and allow air into the high root zone. The browning does look like nute burn but could be other things, such as fluctuating ph. In general on week 3 from seeed, I will be feeding at around 1/4 strength nutes. I dont work in ppm so I cannot tell you what that is, just go by what the makers recommended dose is. Now that damage is done, it will not repair so concentrate on the appearance of new growth. Is the plant still growing? It looks like it is so things should be ok. Disposition is right about patience though, be patient and dont rush to try and force feed, it wont work! GHreen mojo dude. W


Weird, i've tried to post twice, but my posts aren't showing up.

I was saying that the plastic is only on top of the rings, it does not cover the whole base. So there is definitely lots of space for air to travel to the base. It just might look deceiving from the pictures.

I am going to be replacing those with CocoTek 6" caps anyway, which works better.

If I remove the plastic bags now, the drip rings will spit so much water on the plant itself, that the plant would be totally drenched in water.

Some of the rings dont spit, but some spit a LOT so the water ends up all over the plants, thats why I use the plastic, not because of algae.

My local store said that algae may not grow because of the chloramine and chlorine in the water.

Not sure if its true.

Anyway, right now, if I removed the plastic, the plants would surely die. I've been told time again that you cannot hose plants down with nutrient water on the leaves themselves. And everyone says MJ doesn't like being too wet, so trust me, removing the bags is a bad idea until i get those caps. Although I'm not sure there is much difference between the two.


Active Member
Feed your plants, they should already be over a foot tall at 3 weeks in hydro. Add about 200 ppm at a time and stop when the ppm levels off


Well-Known Member
Not all plants grow at the same rate so there's no way to say at three weeks you should be a certain

One suggestion could be to use a timer on your drip pump. This will help to combat the splash from
the drip ring that you're using the plastic for as it will have time to dry out a bit. It also looks like
you might be slightly over watering if you've got your drip going 24/7. Try running a timer on your
feed pump and giving the plant some time to breathe in the hydroton. Should help perk those leaves
up and give it a bit more vigor.


Yeah see, I thought about this. The only problem is I dont have a good timer right now, I have one of those regular timers that you can put in about 12 little pins in the circle to make it go on/off. I made it so that it turns on for 2 hours, then off for 1 hour, and it does this over and over again while the lights are on. When the lights go off for about 5 hours (hottest part of the day), then I turn off the water completely.

Hopefully things will be ok.


Well-Known Member
with the water farm you can push the drip feed tubing that goes to the res, lower, basically lowering the whole drip ring. or you could add some more hydroton to stop the splashing.


Active Member
You may not be able to give a certain height, but you can damn sure bet that either cannabis species should be much larger and lush than the plants you see here. I mean, the whole point of hydro is to have explosive growth. And in hydro a timer isn't a suggestion, but rather a can get cheap timers, adjustable in 15 increments at walmart/lowes.