This commercial pisses me off


Well-Known Member
wow what a cruel fucking commercial i hope karma fucks them up big time. there are people suffering that need medical marijuana. WHY? because prescription drugs do more harm than good. i bet that commercial was paid for by the makers of prescription drugs.


Well-Known Member
Even if marijuana were the MOST harmful thing I could put in my body...

Isn't it my choice? I wish I lived in a FREE country. Wouldn't that be nice


Active Member
u think thats bad but different subject yes,,irish television ,,the ads will do ur fuckin head in/pack of irish snobs wanabee americans ,fuckin wankbags seriously/saying dat nothing against americans if u see u no wat im talkin about


Active Member
check out their propaganda website True Compassion and if you look at the bottom look who it's paid for by

This campaign was supported by Grant No. 2005-JL-FX-0128 by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice.


New Member
FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish i can go on a killing spree, and KILL every man, woman and child that oppose marijuana!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
is there a legit reason how people could be that ignorant?

i mean im pretty sure it helps me?

dont belive everything you think either.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
There are several medical groups that are on board with Medical Marijuana, they get around the endorsement by using the word "SMOKED". I am a voporizer fan myself and use medicinally but I support other people's right to smoke it if they choose to. Up until last December I was a joint and bong guy myself.