this forum is terrible


Well-Known Member
If I can make it after being called BMEAT for weeks....... I'm pretty sure you can figure something out......;)


Well-Known Member
Here's some friendly advice: Respect is earned when you're the new kid. You came here pretty strong and put people off. Maybe a little humility for a while will get you where you want to be.


Well-Known Member
The females here have to prove themselves in the Pictures of Yourself Thread. You have to have a clear piece of paper in the pic with your ID. :eyesmoke:

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Not very friendly at all. You go to the toke n talk and get ridiculed for talking about random stuff. Not cool
I've made some real and lasting friends here. Brash generalisation of your, that. I find the guys on this site to be pretty awesome. Even the 'UB's' have their moments (actually they can be quite amusing ROFL). Sometimes one just doesn't fit into a social circle. It happens.