This id F&*%ing Bu%*S*^t


Well-Known Member
ok unfortunatly the first 2 set of single leafs died and the next 2 set of 3 leafs died as well or wilted but will thise affect my plant at all????


Well-Known Member
Unless you move the plant and make sure whoever pulled it doesnt know you, just give it up. They will be back to fuck you again. Who knows, maybe next time they will bring the cops to pull it for them.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Keep it out of the sun for a few days use an 8 buck shop light to get it going again.If its at your parents then you should not grow anymore as apparently they dont approve and its thier house that can be confiscated if its found there.Thats the suck part of starting from seed you grow so long with such little growth and dont even know if its gonna be a male or female.Clones all the way.2 weeks veg they get to about 18 inches then toss em into 12/12 and they are all females.Saves time money and suspense.Keep it watered and on low light but if its at thier house kill it or plant it in the woods somewhere


Well-Known Member
it seem to me like u guys keep reading my first post.. if u read on ull see that my plants are doing juss fine and thnx for the help but my main concern is wat i had on my last post ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Mr I Can Do That For Half
How big is the plant and how many total sets of leaves does it have? plants will drop lower leaves as they grow


Well-Known Member
Get some super thrive it is awesome for shock and for future root health.

good luck~ glad to hear they are doing better..................


Well-Known Member
when I was writing this I was all stoned and I was like I bet KP will appreciate the superthrive comment

cheers ole girl~


Well-Known Member
well i thouhgt it was going to survive but it was still slowly dieing the leafs were wilting up so its time for me to try a next grow... GL to everyone else nd thnx for the sup[port