This is how you determan when to start flower stage...


New Member
I came across this blog and thought of all of you guys who ask this... Confusing question... Enjoy

Cannabis Light Schedules: When should I change my light schedule?
There are a million opinions about the best time to change your marijuana plant over to the flowering stage.
For those who don't know, your plant will stay in the vegetative or growing stage for as long as its daily 'dark period' is shorter than 12 hours a day. Or in other words, when the 'days' experienced by the plant are longer than 12 hours.
During this time, the plant does not produce buds at all.
In nature, as the days get shorter, cannabis plants will start flowering (producing buds) because they think winter is approaching.
The indoor grower will need to artificially induce flowering/budding in plants by changing the light schedule so the plant receives only 12 hours of light a day, and 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness.
Once the plant is changed over to the flowering (12/12) light schedule, there is generally another 6 weeks-5 months (average 2.5 months) before the plant's buds are ready for harvest.
So When is the Best Time to Start Flowering Your Cannabis?

The real answer is that i's a matter of personal preference and also depends on what end result you're looking for. There are two major considerations when choosing the right time to switch to 12/12, the age of the plant and the height of the plant:
Age: Some people feel that a marijuana plant which has been grown from seed will not produce as many buds or have enough resin production if the plant is not given at least 60 days in the vegetative stage to mature before it's changed over to the flowering stage. However, other people report success with germinating a seed, and changing the plant right over to flowering after only a week or two to get one or two sets of leaves. When growing with clones, age is not an issue and everyone seems to agree that you can switch directly to flowering once your clone has established roots. This is because even though the clone is small, it's still a 'mature' plant since it is made of a piece from a mature plant. In any case, whether you wait until your plant is 60 days old or start flowering it earlier, both methods can be successful, and you should switch your light schedule at the time that best fits your needs.
Height: A general rule is that your marijuana plant will double in size during the flowering stage from the point where you first change over the light schedule to 12/12. Some plants will grow more, some will grow less, but a good rule of thumb is to change your light schedule over to flowering when your plants have reached half of their final desired height. For those growing in a small space, height may be the primary concern. However, there are many techniques available to grow a short,bushy weed plant.
In optimal conditions, you would probably want to vegetate your plant for 60 days or more, and then switch it over to flowering. This will obviously give you the best final yields (and also the biggest and tallest final plant). However, if space is tight, then it's better to switch when the plant is half the final desired height, or even to just flower your cannabis plant straight from seed. If you're growing with clones, then you should only consider the height when switching over to flowering.

Tha-Tha-Tha That's all folks


Well-Known Member
When to flower, when considering room efficiency, is a function of your flower light size and the style of grow you employ, not personal preference. SOG, SCROG, topping, training can all have differnet veg times under the same flower light, but make no mistake about it, your flower light is the limiting factor in when to flower for the most efficient grow.


New Member
I see what you mean, but most, if not all training techniques are accuring because... It is your personal preference. There's not one grower out there who's growing because someone told them too. It's what they want! So that is personal and has nothin to do with anyone/or anything else.

Flower light?... Lemme trade you a dime for whatever your smokin...
Many cats out there flower with a 50w HPS!! From what I read from what you said it's like, there's only one type of flower light out there, and if you don't use it right, you won't be successful. Scrog, sog, bog, it's not like these have been around for 100s of years, many people find different grow techniques, grow room styles, and even lights! I'm one of those guys who grow with LED, but yet, mostly everyone on here grows with HID. That's because they all grew up being explained one type of grow style, so that's all they know, and that's what they think is best. Well, much like yourself sir, these people are wrong.. There's many different ways to grow.. And it all boils down to... Personal preference
I see what you mean, but most, if not all training techniques are accuring because... It is your personal preference. There's not one grower out there who's growing because someone told them too. It's what they want! So that is personal and has nothin to do with anyone/or anything else.

Flower light?... Lemme trade you a dime for whatever your smokin...
Many cats out there flower with a 50w HPS!! From what I read from what you said it's like, there's only one type of flower light out there, and if you don't use it right, you won't be successful. Scrog, sog, bog, it's not like these have been around for 100s of years, many people find different grow techniques, grow room styles, and even lights! I'm one of those guys who grow with LED, but yet, mostly everyone on here grows with HID. That's because they all grew up being explained one type of grow style, so that's all they know, and that's what they think is best. Well, much like yourself sir, these people are wrong.. There's many different ways to grow.. And it all boils down to... Personal preference
Well put Ganja...


Well-Known Member
>>I see what you mean, but most, if not all training techniques are accuring because... It is your personal preference. There's not one grower out there who's growing because someone told them too. It's what they want! So that is personal and has nothin to do with anyone/or anything else.

Can you read? I said for the most efficient grow your flower light determines when to flower.

>>Flower light?... Lemme trade you a dime for whatever your smokin...
Many cats out there flower with a 50w HPS!!

Yeah, exactly. And with a 50 watt HPS, the last thing you're going to do is veg for a month before flowering. SO YOUR FLOWER LIGHT DETERMINES WHEN TO FLOWER.

>>From what I read from what you said it's like, there's only one type of flower light out there, and if you don't use it right, you won't be successful.

So you don't know how to read or comprehend. Why am I not surprised?

I'm done with your dumbshit now.


Active Member
You can flower anytime you want really but longer veg most always means better/bigger yield... Unless you growing a auto flower.


New Member
>>I see what you mean, but most, if not all training techniques are accuring because... It is your personal preference. There's not one grower out there who's growing because someone told them too. It's what they want! So that is personal and has nothin to do with anyone/or anything else.

Can you read? I said for the most efficient grow your flower light determines when to flower.

>>Flower light?... Lemme trade you a dime for whatever your smokin...
Many cats out there flower with a 50w HPS!!

Yeah, exactly. And with a 50 watt HPS, the last thing you're going to do is veg for a month before flowering. SO YOUR FLOWER LIGHT DETERMINES WHEN TO FLOWER.

>>From what I read from what you said it's like, there's only one type of flower light out there, and if you don't use it right, you won't be successful.

So you don't know how to read or comprehend. Why am I not surprised?

I'm done with your dumbshit now.

I don't like to talk to people who pick out the parts of a conversation they think they have the upper hand on, and completely ignore the rest of the conversation... My girlfriend does that!!! So instead of reminding you where you stand in life(like a bitch) I'm just cutting you off.. Good luck to you sir


Well-Known Member
Another variable not mentioned here is node growth changing from opposite to alternate. Of course, that depends on whether cloning or seed.


New Member
Another variable not mentioned here is node growth changing from opposite to alternate. Of course, that depends on whether cloning or seed.

That is a whole new ball-game. Plants show pre-flowers even in veg, you can still veg when this happens, but the more you wait, the more yield will decrease due to past due flowering. If ANYONE out there grows, and says " I'm going to start flowering when my plant has 150 nodes" by all means go for it. But unless you got the space it's not ideal to do this, yes that would be a personal preference, but not from know-how, but from experimenting. for that matter you should be "alert" when doin stuff like this, because lots of things can go wrong... If you don't have the space.


Well-Known Member
I don't like to talk to people who pick out the parts of a conversation they think they have the upper hand on, and completely ignore the rest of the conversation... My girlfriend does that!!! So instead of reminding you where you stand in life(like a bitch) I'm just cutting you off.. Good luck to you sir
And most of us dont like talking to people who try to tell people things that have been said hundreds of times over and over in the thread. Such as your doing, and for what an attempt at rep gaining and likes? Then come with an attitude towards more respected members then you? please go spit your random babble somewhere else that info has been said more times then enough. You only needed to say one thing, instead you said more then a mouthful that didnt need to be said. All you needed to say was

The real answer is that i's a matter of personal preference
When it comes down to it thats all that matters and all thats needed to be said. The other peoples problem is they dont want to read they would rather make their own threads so they can get the answer they want. Meaning those people are not looking at your thread so your points are pretty much moot.. Good day and if you give attitude here your gonna get it right back Jack... Also one thing you will learn tonight is you DO NOT INSULT MEMBERS ON THIS WEBSITE. You will find that out shortly..Good day to you..


Well-Known Member
That is a whole new ball-game. Plants show pre-flowers even in veg, you can still veg when this happens, but the more you wait, the more yield will decrease due to past due flowering. If ANYONE out there grows, and says " I'm going to start flowering when my plant has 150 nodes" by all means go for it. But unless you got the space it's not ideal to do this, yes that would be a personal preference, but not from know-how, but from experimenting. for that matter you should be "alert" when doin stuff like this, because lots of things can go wrong... If you don't have the space.

How is that a new ball game? Plants show pre-flowers when they start to mature as well as they start alternating internodes. Those are signs of maturity nothing new about that, and the general rule of thumb is to wait until the plant(s) mature to put them in flower. you have no idea what your talking about do you?
thats why your thread started with

I came across this blog and thought of all of you guys who ask this..
Everything you said after that besides what you C&P'd is rubbish, you have to copy that cause you didnt know about that but yet you try to talk like you know what your talking about......


Well-Known Member
Go ahead keep calling names, bet that makes ya feel real big huh, bet your real E-tough mate. Helping how? By giving inaccurate information? lol ok w/e lmfao

your right your the pro around here what you C&P is golden to what everyone else says.

Yeah this thread might be for new growers but your giving new growers inaccurate info, but yet im the wrong one thats not helping lol ok w/e