This one is for Fdd


Well-Known Member
I just bought a female for my other Giant African Millipede. :hump:

Can't really see her in whole, but she's a whoppin' 12.75 inches:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Why did you buy a Millipede? just wondering don't hear to much people saying that they bought a millipede!


Well-Known Member
cool! Exotic pets (I guess thats what you'd call it) are awesome!

I had a wicked pink toe tarantula named molly


Well-Known Member
my college thesis is based on the northwest soil foodweb, millipedes play a huge roll in it. I have tons, and i seen these and i love 'em. So i collect em.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
I just bought a female for my other Giant African Millipede. :hump:

Can't really see her in whole, but she's a whoppin' 12.75 inches:mrgreen:
OOps, I saw something like that crawling across the floor the other night, I picked it up and threw it in my fish tank. The triggers loved it.


Well-Known Member
yea man are you going to have little milapied babies all over the place?
is it a nigger triger ??? :)... crazy people... name a fish a nigger triger...

LMAO. Its a Niger not a nigger. But no, those are one of the most docile triggers. I have a huma huma, clown, and a queen. Total predator fish, they are awesome to watch, nature at its purest. And trust me, those fish do get more attention than my plants, I have too much money invested in keeping those babies alive.


Well-Known Member
Attack fish? Millipedes? Goodness! Why don't you just get a pet bear and be done with it?
I always wanted a pet bear. A nice one.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to get a pet serval in a few years... there big whiled cats about the size of a german Shepard... but they have small mouths and small heads... so hopfuly it wont maim me too bad...


Well-Known Member
wait a minute. you bought him a her? will they breed?

Yah. They will. :D

Notice the white blob. I call it "The love sac" Thats how babies are made in the world of millipedes. Females have the gonads. males..dont. they have the love sac, I havent gotten to examine them much.

But i will have babies:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
woa... what... you just bought her yesterday, and already there planing on having children... I'm glad I'm not a millipeid for more than one reason now...
how many babies will they have? hundreds?
how big will they be? will they get out and get in your house?


Well-Known Member
females can produce up to 2000 offspring. and they cannot escpape. i plan on selling them to the local pet shop. for $15 a piece. :mrgreen: thats the avg rate.

a giant African millipede can growth past 12 inches easy :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
woa... 15 a piece... up to 2000 from 2... hmmm... I think this is the begening of my milepied breading days :) haha

I dont rememeber if you said this already but. ... um I forgot what I was going to say... oh yea. how much did you pay for her... and him? are females more or vise versa?


Well-Known Member
Both were 15 a piece.

I took an old fish tank, put in 4 inches of soil, some dead leaves some peat moss.

They can eat dog food for protein

They love cucumbers more then anything.

They eat dead leaves for Ca/CO2.

The only hard thing was finding a pet shop that has them already.

PS if you live in Canada, you have to have a Federal Permit to own them :(

It took me a week to find a exotic pet shop that carried them. Then I had to drive almost halfway across Oregon to get each of them.


Well-Known Member
Both were 15 a piece.

I took an old fish tank, put in 4 inches of soil, some dead leaves some peat moss.

They can eat dog food for protein

They love cucumbers more then anything.

They eat dead leaves for Ca/CO2.

The only hard thing was finding a pet shop that has them already.

It took me a week to find a exotic pet shop that carried them. Then I had to drive almost halfway across Oregon to get each of them.

that's it? no lights? heating pads? nothing? just a tank and some moss?


Well-Known Member
i wish i didnt understand the reference "this one's for fdd"
that article is an image ill never get out of my mind