This plant is dead or dying fast, anything I can do? pics

I got this 4 days ago and it was in overall good condition except the leaves were a little droopy but the plant was standing up straight as well as the stems. the first day I put it under a flourescent for a few hours and turned it off for 6 hours. the second day I had it under the light for a few hours and then put it in the sun most of the day and brought it in at night under the light for a total of 18 hours of light. the next day two of the bottom leaves dried out, and I did the same light regimen, the next day the plant started falling over and the other leaves started drying out, and yesterday it was raining so I had it under the light all day and it has dried out even more. I've only fed it water and just a little bit of blood meal. pics are from this morning. Is this plant a goner or can can I save it?


Well-Known Member
could be lots of things but it looks like someone forgot to water it, when they are that small they can't go to long without water. They can die very quickly but it could be 1 of a million things that killed it