Thoughts on mh and hps bulbs during flower

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
I going to try a new bulb regiment on this grow for the flower stage, i would like to hear peoples thought or experience with changing bulbs during the flower cycle,I have been told that mh flowered pot has a brighter green appearence from some very experienced grower from across the pond, my thoughts are this veg under mh for the first week of flower to encorage vegative growth but transistion into flower then switch to hps for 2-3 weeks to encourage nodel set, then switch back to mh 2-3 weeks to help reencourage new vegative growth along with more nodel development, then switch bacp to hps for the last 2-3 weeks for ripening, all in hopes of increasing bag appeal, not that i sell im a medical user, maybe just maybe increase yeild slightly along with quality, but mainly bag appeal nice brightish green nugs, not dark green like the crap coming from cali right now


Well-Known Member
Sounds very interesting...well try it out and see what happens and u can share ur experience with us after.

Have u grown before though? Cause maybe that strain that u gonna flower would of come out just the same with using hps thru entire flower cycle..u need sumthing to compare it to

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
guess you didnt read my signature i have grow for 14yrs+ and i am very familar with my stains and what they yeild and the quality it has produced in the past, i can say that my hps bulbs produce about 4444.4 more lumens a sq ft then my hps ( i run 600watt sunmaster bulbs) which is like adding another 400 watt mh


Sounds viable. I've done the combo thing in several different setups. One 4kw grow with 1kw MH the whole way, Usually I've found that vegging in MH, Start Flower MH/HPS, Flower HPS, and finish with HPS and MH for last week does best in my experiments. Hope this helps.

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
Sounds viable. I've done the combo thing in several different setups. One 4kw grow with 1kw MH the whole way, Usually I've found that vegging in MH, Start Flower MH/HPS, Flower HPS, and finish with HPS and MH for last week does best in my experiments. Hope this helps.
did you notice anything different with your harvest ie color, densisty, yields etc.?


Well-Known Member
I can see that just being very stressful to your plants. Not giving them a steady spectrum of light confuses the plant and will deminish yields


Well-Known Member
Ya im sure cali has better weed than what im gettin here in ontario, 320 or a bag of decent kush and still it looks raped.....growin my own!!

LT1RX7 Drifter

Active Member
well after a 58 day flower cycle my 6 white rhino finished out at just over 10zips dried after a 10 day veg on the ebb and flow table scrog method with co2 buds turned out very tight, 2-3" side colas with a nice emerald green color top colas were huge 2 in diameter and abouth 8-10" in length, dont know really if it was bulb regimen that helped of just my growing abilities maybe both this was my first hydro grow i am very pleased with the out come of harvest, helped alot of medical patient of of which all say the same thing " thats some good shit man, got more"


Well-Known Member
well after a 58 day flower cycle my 6 white rhino finished out at just over 10zips dried after a 10 day veg on the ebb and flow table scrog method with co2 buds turned out very tight, 2-3" side colas with a nice emerald green color top colas were huge 2 in diameter and abouth 8-10" in length, dont know really if it was bulb regimen that helped of just my growing abilities maybe both this was my first hydro grow i am very pleased with the out come of harvest, helped alot of medical patient of of which all say the same thing " thats some good shit man, got more"
only 10oz dry for 6 plants in a SCROG? Really? I have 8 plants in a SCROG that I am about to flip, my first indoor grow, was hoping for WAY more than that. You have any pics?


Well-Known Member
hey guys i found its best to use HPS and MH a more complete color spectrum the entire time im growing like this...if you notice the bright glow coming out of the closet in the last pic. 1.5 lbs dry off the two lovely ladies..



Well-Known Member
i run a 250w HPS (Eye Hortilux) and a 250w CMH (Philips) love them both i run them together side by side in a 39 x 39 grow tent at flower i throw in a 20 UVB as far away from tops as poss. in the tent

i spin pots and rotate position under both lights

i find that mh reduces stretch you get in firs third of flower
then hps will give you rock hard buds in middle
then end with mh at fattening best of both worlds

but i just give them all both all the time that works for me

we have to do what works best for us and our set up
not what someone else says about a diff setup, room, light , and nutes
experiment- you will always learn something if nothing else what not to do next time

keep em green

Brick Top

New Member
I going to try a new bulb regiment on this grow for the flower stage, i would like to hear peoples thought or experience with changing bulbs during the flower cycle,I have been told that mh flowered pot has a brighter green appearence from some very experienced grower from across the pond, my thoughts are this veg under mh for the first week of flower to encorage vegative growth but transistion into flower then switch to hps for 2-3 weeks to encourage nodel set, then switch back to mh 2-3 weeks to help reencourage new vegative growth along with more nodel development, then switch bacp to hps for the last 2-3 weeks for ripening, all in hopes of increasing bag appeal, not that i sell im a medical user, maybe just maybe increase yeild slightly along with quality, but mainly bag appeal nice brightish green nugs, not dark green like the crap coming from cali right now

What wattage light(s) are you burning? You might want to try something similar to what you are considering but in a different way. Depending on what wattage you burn you might be able to use a Dual Arc Tube bulb that incorporates both a Metal Halide arc tube and a High Pressure Sodium arc tube in a single lamp giving your plants a very balanced light spectrum. Veg with metal halide and then for flowering use a Dual Arc bulb, or maybe start with straight high pressure sodium and then switch to a Dual Arc bulb for the last half of flowering.

It is worth considering if you are going to play mad scientist anyway.


Active Member
hey guys i found its best to use HPS and MH a more complete color spectrum the entire time im growing like this...if you notice the bright glow coming out of the closet in the last pic. 1.5 lbs dry off the two lovely ladies..

NO FN WAY!? that is god damn art! beautiful grow, just too perfect. Bravo.. what flavor are you workin with?


Active Member
Ive got a 1000w dual arc bulb and really like it. Its a 600w HPS/400w MH and runs off a standard 1000w ballast. It puts out a nice balanced white light. I vegged with T5s and then switched to a 600w HPS for 2 weeks until I got this setup and the plants just exploded. I could use this for veg all the way through flower, but I am building a veg cab instead to cut down on time. They are expensive though!! Ive since found much better prices online than what I paid for it locally.