Thoughts on this LED


Well-Known Member
Again what stops him from growing a plant outdoors and bringing it inside and saying he grew it under the light? I can make a PAR chart with MS Paint btw. This format has and will always be a joke for debating and the truth IMO. This is the internet, watch out :O.

Quality and efficiency? I just saw a salesman using logic and words to try to manipulate the naive.

So when are you buying one to tell us all what most of us know? Seriously go buy one from him. Or buy the same exact one like I linked to. You were never getting an honest answer out of that individual AZ. PERIOD. And I'm not typing for an hour to prove it to you. Sorry, but I'm getting old and lazy.

PetFlora?? You believe PetFlora??? Man I got a bridge and a highway to sell you AZ. LOL

Why don't you ask Rollie why some of this thread's was posts was deleted? And ask about PF and EH? Find that truth AZ. IDK and I'm soooo sick of sales-people I just can't care anymore.


Well-Known Member
Not rating you out...I'm saying your rat out eh. My point about eh is do you like him here...????
I think so and know I do...he has been as much a contrubtor if not more than any of us here that you know as regulars. Before a51 he was on all the time talking about LED of all kinds. Now just every couple months.

We all walk the line somewhere with what we do. Some will never get looked at... some will...don't call attention to those who don't. Growers code.
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Well-Known Member
Yeah there's a fine line, (that's constantly moving around here it seems :)), with what they let people get away with and not, I will say that. And Sunni can have a bit of a knee-jerk, hammer-handed reaction when it comes to borderline shit and maybe she made the call to end this on her own. I've seen her bust into the middle of some threads and go atomic first and asking questions never so it's not unheard of from my view. Maybe it was a few trigger words that did him in?


Well-Known Member
I just realized i ratted someone else out... lol. deleted post.

The guy i ratted out is pretty cool too! Good guy!


Well-Known Member
My favorite NYC rat. It's weird when you walk into a building then an hour or so later walk out and see this sucker. Makes you feel like you did something wrong even when you didn't.


Well-Known Member
An @az2000 no need to worry about him not coming up with a par chart...I told you all that I have the light coming. If you want things done them your self. And I didn't trust him or anything was going to post. So I took things into my own hands.
Anyone can double check what ever I post anytime.

And I hope saw that "test vidoe" skl posted with red and blues...they don't even know to adjust the current, not the voltage. And many other problems with what skl likes to deem valid testing disprove data sheets and other hard evidence.

I digress now


Well-Known Member
Sucks when we were having a legitimate discussion and it just gets drowned out by moderators, we are all here to learn and discuss. Not that I defend this light at all but I want to at least hear what this guy has to say...


Well-Known Member
Some will never get looked at... some will...don't call attention to those who don't. Growers code.
Evidently not. See fran calling for Sunni to lock or delete this thread.

You're insinuating I'm trying to silence someone when everything I'm arguing against is that someone was silenced. Then it sinks to the level of accusations of snitching -- while calling for moderators to silence this thread even more.

It sounds cliquish. Expectations of orthodoxy.

Sucks when we were having a legitimate discussion and it just gets drowned out by moderators, we are all here to learn and discuss.
Sunni explained that he went too far promoting his product (username was his business, links to his business in his profile). I can see how that's a little brazen, uncouth, blurring the distinction between being here as a contributor versus a "point of presence."

That was my fault for not knowing the conduct to stay away from. I should have informed him when I invited him here.

I'm trying to clarify to what extent he could have had that discussion if his username was "nimrod420" and he didn't promote his business in his profile. Eraserhead has defended his business (sometimes at length). Seems like nimrod could come back with PAR data and continue the discussion, debate (within reason) his view on COBs, etc.

I agree with you, I was looking forward to that discussion leading to something. Even if GG is right (that it wouldn't have led anywhere), that would at least have been a journey we could point to in perpetuity whenever the inevitable "anyone know about this light" question is posted. If the thread didn't become more conclusive, and he continued to promote his light, then I could see it being locked. But, we weren't there yet. All we have is "trust me, he wasn't going to..."

Sunni's explanation makes more sense though. I can see the need to keep those with business interests more like participants than opportunists. It's too bad he chose the username he did, and decorated his profile as he reportedly did.

BTW: I like that he uses Cree. Let's be fair: if he's a scoundrel, he's a different caliber of scoundrel. He's raising the bar for the other scoundrels like Cammie McKenzie. At least he's not using epi-whatever diodes like those guys. He might be full of it about his performance. But, he's putting pressure on the other scoundrels. :)


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a sandy vagina, hints of naivety :roll: "Raising the bar for Scammie." Time to give it up AZ.