Three Bugs Walk into a Scrog. Stop Me if You've Heard This One


RIU Bulldog
Question for the experienced scroggers out there. How do you deal with bugs one plants are firmly entrenched in the net? I did some pruning today and found an aphid crawling on my arm. Not an infestation, and they'd probably be ok if I left it, but I don't wanna take any chances. My homemade bugspray has been keeping them under control, but I was just wondering how other scrog heads deal with bugs when you can't move your plants?


Well-Known Member
Go out with a tupaware container and collect ladybugs they will eat most pests .

Another way would be something like the HOTBOX SULPHUR BURNER





RIU Bulldog
Go out with a tupaware container and collect ladybugs they will eat most pests .

Another way would be something like the HOTBOX SULPHUR BURNER



Thanks jo. I was waiting for someone with experience to answer me. I getting tired of the "idk but I hope you firgure it out -name" answers. I feel you on your sig too man, I got high scale dreams too but for now I'm stuck in a 2.5ft x 2.5ft x 8ft closet. I'm gonna chesk out the pest strips. Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
No worries bro.

My area is a 3.5ftx7ftx8ft closet.

1x600w lumatek dimmable with super lumens, sun systems blockbuster, wilma 4. Carbon, Fans blah blah blah lol.

I always have the following things Just Incase
Yellow sticky traps
Permethryn bombs
PestOff (starch based killer)
Neem repel
Hot shots no pest strips.

Word of warning about the Hot shots no pest strips THEY ARE CARCENEGENIC i only use these when i REALLY have to. Leave it out for 3days then seal it backup for another time.

I'm a pretty careful guy these days and thankfully not much can gain entry to my room. Last grow didnt have to use anything and my total grow time was 24weeks lol. I know a long time!!!! thats what happens when you grow a mother for nearly 12weeks before saying what the hell FLOWER YOU BITCH lol.



RIU Bulldog
No worries bro.

My area is a 3.5ftx7ftx8ft closet.

1x600w lumatek dimmable with super lumens, sun systems blockbuster, wilma 4. Carbon, Fans blah blah blah lol.

I always have the following things Just Incase
Yellow sticky traps
Permethryn bombs
PestOff (starch based killer)
Neem repel
Hot shots no pest strips.

Word of warning about the Hot shots no pest strips THEY ARE CARCENEGENIC i only use these when i REALLY have to. Leave it out for 3days then seal it backup for another time.

I'm a pretty careful guy these days and thankfully not much can gain entry to my room. Last grow didnt have to use anything and my total grow time was 24weeks lol. I know a long time!!!! thats what happens when you grow a mother for nearly 12weeks before saying what the hell FLOWER YOU BITCH lol.
Damn man 12 weeks. I vet it wasn't even a sativa huh? lol
That is a long time. What happened ? Did you grow from clones in the mean time or did you just have one plant that you didn't want to flower or what? That's crazy man.
I've been looking at my extra shower in a different light lately. I don't know how I missed the first time. Usually I can look at any space and imagine how I'd grow weed there, but I guess idk. It's 3ft x 4 ft x 8, almost twice as much space. I'm so stupid.
I think next cycle I'll probably convert my extra shower/bathroom into a grow room and use my closet as a veg room and up my game a little, and throw a 600 watt in there.


Active Member
you could try a little experiment for me ... the oldster's used to talk about putting a pie-plate or a bowl three quarters full of water on a floor overnight .. they said the fleas and insects could smell the fresh water and then get trapped in it when they tried to drink .... I dunno myself tbh but it might be worth checking to see . Nothing lost leaving a bowl of water under a plant - if it doesn't work , no biggie - but would cool as hell if it did ( pesticide free control ) ... kinda sounds to good to be true tbh ...


RIU Bulldog
you could try a little experiment for me ... the oldster's used to talk about putting a pie-plate or a bowl three quarters full of water on a floor overnight .. they said the fleas and insects could smell the fresh water and then get trapped in it when they tried to drink .... I dunno myself tbh but it might be worth checking to see . Nothing lost leaving a bowl of water under a plant - if it doesn't work , no biggie - but would cool as hell if it did ( pesticide free control ) ... kinda sounds to good to be true tbh ...
That's perfect too cause I have a big space below the plants. It's worth a try. Thanks dude.


Active Member
I've heard a drop of wine is good, but I don't remember which insect this is supposed to work for.

Let us know if you find something they are attracted to.


Well-Known Member
Damn man 12 weeks. I vet it wasn't even a sativa huh? lol
That is a long time. What happened ? Did you grow from clones in the mean time or did you just have one plant that you didn't want to flower or what? That's crazy man.
I've been looking at my extra shower in a different light lately. I don't know how I missed the first time. Usually I can look at any space and imagine how I'd grow weed there, but I guess idk. It's 3ft x 4 ft x 8, almost twice as much space. I'm so stupid.
I think next cycle I'll probably convert my extra shower/bathroom into a grow room and use my closet as a veg room and up my game a little, and throw a 600 watt in there.

It was a DNA Sharksbreath. Took 12 weeks of flowering to be the way i like them.

I grew the Sharksbreath and a MAGUS GENETICS EXILE initially for mothers. Took plenty of clones and passed them all out round friends etc. Then one day i thought lets see what happens if i flower these mothers and keep the genetics going as a clone. So i transplanted the 2 of them into 15litre AIRPOTS at week 8 of Veg and then spent around 4 weeks LST'ing the shit out of them lol.

Let me have a look on here for a pic to show you. lol

The pics below are from when i was hand watering in COCO. On the left side of the closet is the EXILE and the right hand side is the SHarksbreath.




RIU Bulldog
It was a DNA Sharksbreath. Took 12 weeks of flowering to be the way i like them.

I grew the Sharksbreath and a MAGUS GENETICS EXILE initially for mothers. Took plenty of clones and passed them all out round friends etc. Then one day i thought lets see what happens if i flower these mothers and keep the genetics going as a clone. So i transplanted the 2 of them into 15litre AIRPOTS at week 8 of Veg and then spent around 4 weeks LST'ing the shit out of them lol.

Let me have a look on here for a pic to show you. lol

The pics below are from when i was hand watering in COCO. On the left side of the closet is the EXILE and the right hand side is the SHarksbreath.

Damn man, your an LST'ing fool! That's pretty cool. That closet is just the right size. You ever try a scrog?


Well-Known Member
Damn man, your an LST'ing fool! That's pretty cool. That closet is just the right size. You ever try a scrog?
Never tried it but researched it fully.

ITs something i may try my hand at. BUt i am currently re-configuring my setup as the door has had to go into the back wall, and where the door is on the pics is currently getting all blocked in.

had to put a piece of metal in above the new doorway as the wall is supporting the roof joists etc. Its been 4 weeks of work so far and im sick of it. I just want to run my room again lol.

The latest addition to my setup is the WILMA 4 pot system.

Something else i have been considering is running something like a wilma 8 or similar and using a light mover to utilise the full length of the closet. AS you can see from the pics my stairwell cuts into the floor of the closet a little so i am building a frame for the wilma to sit on and it wouldnt take much to run that frame the whole length of the room and install a mover in the ceiling.




Well-Known Member
Im currently trying to upload some newer pics of the plants to show you how they filled out but doesnt seem to be letting me.

So i am trying to resize them to see if its the size thats the problem.



Well-Known Member
More pics hopefully.

I think the pics have worked. Apparantely 2MB pics are a little too big for this site.

The vegging plant is a Reserva Privada Cole Train and the clones in desert pots are sharksbreath and exile clones of a clone to keep the genetics going for a little while.




RIU Bulldog
Those things are bushes! wow, I would be proud to have my buds come out resembling those. They look so healthy too. You've honed your skills well man. +rep


Well-Known Member
Cheers Beansly

I felt like i had done what i wanted to accomplish with those and handwatering.

I say handwatering but i was testing ECs in vs ECs out pHs in vs pHs out and adjusting to suit etc. It was more like a drain to waste hydro system with ME as the pump lol.



RIU Bulldog
Cheers Beansly

I felt like i had done what i wanted to accomplish with those and handwatering.

I say handwatering but i was testing ECs in vs ECs out pHs in vs pHs out and adjusting to suit etc. It was more like a drain to waste hydro system with ME as the pump lol.

Yours and my grow (and methods) have a lot in common. You should check it out sometime (in my sig).
I used to hand water until I put the scrog net over the plants. Now I cant even move them. I was making s=weird sill funnels and tubes and all thes crazy shit to water my plants, then it hit me. I just put the water in a big tub and stick a water pump in that and walah-electric watering can.
I felt so stupid after I figured it out. lol


Well-Known Member
Yours and my grow (and methods) have a lot in common. You should check it out sometime (in my sig).
I used to hand water until I put the scrog net over the plants. Now I cant even move them. I was making s=weird sill funnels and tubes and all thes crazy shit to water my plants, then it hit me. I just put the water in a big tub and stick a water pump in that and walah-electric watering can.
I felt so stupid after I figured it out. lol
I know what youre saying bro. Sometime the easiest solution is the last one in your head lol!
