Thrips?!? Help please!


Active Member
Hey RIU,

My Nirvana NL auto is five or six days into flower, and I've noticed some of my leaves are a little deformed and see some white specks. I haven't noticed any webs or much else, so I'm thinking its thrips... I have some floramite coming in the mail, but I've read that it takes about 28 days to dissolve and I'm pretty certain I have at LEAST another month to go... Is it safe to spray floramite during flower? Didn't see directions yet, but if anyone knows what the process is please let me know. Also, my HPS runs pretty hot around 85-88F and humidity goes down to 37-50%. Do I stand a chance? Cause I'd like to bring the temps down and the humidity up, but I'm completely broke after ordering this floramite... Thanks in advance!


Active Member
Bump... and let me add a little extra info for anyone willing to help. I've been using FFOF soil 70/30 perlite and using their trio of nutes. Fed three times so far. Once with grow big, once with grow big and big bloom, and once with all three. Every feeding has been 1/4 strength. Haven't really flushed at all yet. Adding this incase it might be a ph issue.

And just to address, I haven't really seen what looks like any bugs so far. I'm using a 40x loupe, which I feel like might only be 15x or so... can't see shit lol. I also thought it might be a heat issue b/c temps have been running around high 80's in my box.. Some of my leaves look a little like this plant here, but just not as bad.



Active Member
Thanks for the quick reply. I've taken a look at those links, and I haven't seen anything that looks like the damage stated above. Do you know if its safe to spray floramite during flowering? Random little holes at first I thought it was cause I accidentally got little drops of water on the leaves and the HPS burned through them, but I am noticing slight white specs, have yet to see an actual identifiable bug...

Po boy

Well-Known Member
u are early into flowering. if it's thrips spray with spinosad. worked well for me. GL


Active Member
Po boy thanks for the response, I've already got floramite coming in the mail prob by the end of this week. Do you think it'll be safe to spray that?

Edit: When my NL was in seed, I've left it outside with my tomato/basil plants due to it being too cold in my basement where my box is located. Outside, I've noticed some random plants with billions of holes in the leaves. I'm not sure if its thrips or mites, but its something munching on my leaves...


Active Member
Thrips are the hardest bugs to kill. Left unchecked they will consume all of your leaves.

Spinosad is the answer. We have found that it kills them all with only one application.

The one I use is Monterey Garden Insect Spray.

I highly recommend you add it to your arsenal of bug killers.


Well-Known Member
It's mites, been there done that, from now on pretreat with Neem oil (mix according to directions), and you can still water them with Neem, and it doesn't look like you're too far along so you can probably spray them good with the Neem once and water them once a week with it...good luck :weed:


Active Member
Thanks for all the answers. Mag, I currently am out of scratch to buy another insecticide. So I'm hoping this azamax works for the time being. But as soon as I get enough money, I'll invest in some spinosad. Do you use the organic one? B/c that's the one I got my eyes on, but its 1/2 the product for the same price... And rik, is it ok to spray azamax, or spinosad or anything like it without signs of bugs? Just as a preventative measure?

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
definitely looks like thrip damage, mite damage looks totally different.

if possible, definitely pick up some of Cap's bennies to add to your preventive measures, they are cheap and very effective.


Active Member
Thanks to everyone who took their time out to respond. If I can find a cheap insecticide that seems reputable, I'll add it to switch between the azamax and the other one. Also, I think I'll get some mosquito dunks and some pest strips... Think that's overkill? Mosquito dunks, azamax, pest strips, and I just recently found maybe a calcium def? So adding dolomite lime as well... =(


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't recomend no pest strips if that's what you are referring to, it's really toxic stuff. The mosquito dunks are a good thing to use in general imo but they dont work on spider mites or thrips. Azamax should help some, it's baisicaly a neem extract.

I generally use pyrethrum when i get an infestation, it's very effective and alot less toxic to people than some of the alternatives. I use a concentrate but pre mixed sprays are available for alot less $. idk if floramite is safe in flower or not tbh, i was under the impression that it was a systemic that lasted 2-3 months.


Active Member
I wouldn't recomend no pest strips if that's what you are referring to, it's really toxic stuff. The mosquito dunks are a good thing to use in general imo but they dont work on spider mites or thrips. Azamax should help some, it's baisicaly a neem extract.

I generally use pyrethrum when i get an infestation, it's very effective and alot less toxic to people than some of the alternatives. I use a concentrate but pre mixed sprays are available for alot less $. idk if floramite is safe in flower or not tbh, i was under the impression that it was a systemic that lasted 2-3 months.
Thanks for the response 1itsme. I saw some pyrethrum at a garden center, but I was hesitant whether or not I should get that or the montery that included .5% spinosad. What's your experience with pyrethrum? How well does it work? And how often did you have to use it?


Hey thought I'd add on to this thread rather then making a new one I've looked at pictures of everything from pm to thrips and mites and can't figure out what I have because I can never see mites on my plants and I've tried the paper trick and never found anything so I figure it must be thrips but the white spots aren't in lines... Also the white is powdery to the touch anyways here's a picture



Active Member
Interesting skeww, looks like pm, but I'm no expert. An update for everyone, just now I've sprayed the shit outta my plant with a habenero spray for now to switch it up from the azamax. got it from this guy. I thought wth, might as well spend three dollars and 45 min see if it helps at all. If not, I'm going back to buy some spinosad to alternate between that and the azamax. I'll see what's up with it and post back later. For the "calcium def", I added 1tbs of dolomite lime to the top of the soil, and sort of flushed it b/c I was getting low readings from the drip.

Tbh, I think the only real bugs I've seen is a mosquito once or twice. I believe that's what those are, b/c I got some mosquitos around the basement... But I'm almost certain its thrips, mad bite marks etc.

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
Hey thought I'd add on to this thread rather then making a new one I've looked at pictures of everything from pm to thrips and mites and can't figure out what I have because I can never see mites on my plants and I've tried the paper trick and never found anything so I figure it must be thrips but the white spots aren't in lines... Also the white is powdery to the touch anyways here's a picture
View attachment 2733262
you have thrips.