tilling the ground


Well-Known Member
how many are you using a tiller to soften the ground if you are how do you us it do you till the first layer then push the dirt out of the way and till the second one

share what you know about tilling and lets make it easy one everyone out doors lol


Well-Known Member
how many are you using a tiller to soften the ground if you are how do you us it do you till the first layer then push the dirt out of the way and till the second one

share what you know about tilling and lets make it easy one everyone out doors lol
Is this what you mean? :confused:

How many of you are using a tiller to soften the ground? If you are, how do you use it? Do you till the first layer then push the dirt out of the way and till the second one?

Please share what you know about tilling and lets make it easy one everyone growing out doors. LOL

Here is what I would do...

Pull out any and all weeds from the roots. If you have really tall grass you can mow it or use a weed wacker to cut it down and make it manageable to work with. You don't need to kill the grass. Once the grass is cut short you can begin tilling. The grass is fine to keep in the soil once tilled. It has some natural nutes in it.

How much you till depends on your soil conditions. I would go over it at least twice. You want a potting soil consistancy. Once you have acheived a very soft fluffy soil consider the tilling to be done.

If you are tilling a reasonably small area and the soil has no compost in it, it wouldn't hurt to throw some Miracle Grow soil in there to perk it up a bit...maybe some perlite too.

Coolio? Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
ok ok yah i was thinking of mixing blood meal and bone meal into the soil with perlite first till it the the second time b4 i till it ill add everything then till it.

how big was your plants after you till the ground


Active Member
I have a decent sized plot, surrounded by a fence with grapes making a living wall. inside i have several raised beds that i till by hand. for the other areas i use a mantis tiller, i work the soil at least 1ft down, we have a compost pile so all lawn debris and organic waste from the house goes there. def keep the grass clipping, shredded roots ect because as they decomp they will return nutes to the soil. what we dont compost we burn, and ive spread the ash and tilled it into the soil as well.