Time frame, comments and input


Active Member

I am new here and just getting started on my first one.

I am using 1000w metal halide
20 power plant clones
a small carbon filter with a 140 bathroom fan for now until i get cash for an inline or someone knows where i can buy a cheap used one lol
using pura vida grow for vedge 6-4-3
room is ballpark 4x8x7

My clones have been with me for 15 days or so but i got them rather large and am planning to start cloning again. They are about 1 ft tall to 6 inches average being about 8-10 and I want to top them and clone them but is it a good time? Are they too small?

Also my room just finished so i am transplanting them today from those little 3x3x4ish type of pots to something a few gallons. Another problem I have is that the bottom layer of some of the leaves are quite yellow but tops seem to be fine. I have been watering with plain water for about a week now and my ph is 6.3ish but it hasnt gone away. Also algea is forming on the tops of soil of some plants. I have just been flipping the soil and adding more to the ones with algea then covering the soil area.

Any help would be great here I am reading everywhere but getting some mixed answers. I feel like the plants are ready to be topped and cloned (not lots of clones per plant but just the top i took out)

And how long do you think i should be doing vedge and flower for? I havnt grown this strain yet but i am looking to do it in the least possible time while still getting about .5 per watt. I dont know how the strain grows because for these clones i had to get it from a friend of a friend of a friend to keep up my convidentiality

anyways thaannnks guys and good luck!