"Time Line" for Noobs

Dble A

There is a ton of info on here for diagnosing sick plants.
After these plants have been diagnosed and the right steps have been made to fix the problem, I'm hoping to get a "time Line" for recovery. What should a noob expect to see in regards to recovery and over what time period?
How will a noob know that the steps taken are working?
How long will a noob need to continue these steps before healthy new growth starts?

Any and all information would be greatly appreciated.



Depends on the problem, the most common problems will clear up in a few days to a week.
You'll know if it's working if your plant looks healthy again, duh.
Usually problems stunt growth so id give anywhere up to 2 weeks to wait for new growth, depends on the plant and the problem tho.

Dble A

Depends on the problem, the most common problems will clear up in a few days to a week.
You'll know if it's working if your plant looks healthy again, duh.
Usually problems stunt growth so id give anywhere up to 2 weeks to wait for new growth, depends on the plant and the problem tho.
Thank you Sray.