Time to get a handle on the ph issue.


Active Member
Howdy folks. i am now ready to start getting a grip on the ph issue. i thought by simply using store bought spring water that this would be natural from nature and have the proper ph. So, I guess I need to ask some basic questions.

Do I need to test both my soil PH AND test the water I use as well?

Do i use a swimming pool tester to test the water I use?

Is the soil the main thing, like if my soil is low, but I test the water and it's normal, do I add more to the water to get the ph of the soil up? In other words, does the soil take priority over the water?

Lastly, can anyone point me to o decnt teser online, and do I need two, one for water one for soil? And I will also need the stuff to add or subtract ph, what products do this?

Thanks for any help


Well-Known Member
I < never worry about the ph of the run off water as i dont have any run off,

They tray fills up but plant soon sucks that back up.

I started with theses test strips and after about two weeks got my self a Digital pH Pen, there fast... easy to use and spot on

The first thing i did when i got mine was to ph the tap water and write that down, now every few weeks I just place in a glass of tap water to see if its still reading the same, if not reset it bk.

Saves buying pH Solution, and ph`ing it to 6.7-6.8 never to far off to show any signs of ph problems

But you have to clean it after every use..!

And one bottle of ph down is most likely what you will need and last ages


Thats the one im using atm, just type ph pen into ebay or w/e



Well-Known Member
i dont have a ph meter sorry, but i use rain water so all is fine in my garden, hope this helps