timer problems???


Well-Known Member
the past week or so maybe 3 times my timer fucked and didnt turn of in flowering (12/12). Probably stayed on a few extra hourse each time. Basically i wanna know if its gonna mess up the cycle? looks like nothing is happenig but I dont know anything about this any thoughts would be great...thanx


Active Member
i'd say be sure to regulate that a little more closely. You might be ok if it was just a few days but irregular light cycles lead to hermies and also if the plant is getting a significant amount less than 12 hours dark, it could revert back to veg in the confusion. Do it by hand (if you can) until you get a new timer?


Well-Known Member
in most strains, light fluctuations over 30 minutes generally result in hermies. this happened to me on my first grow and my buddy on his. i didnt get hermies until a week or so after it occurred, so just try to keep everything stable and maybe you wont get more than a few hermies. be on the lookout for lil bananas.


Well-Known Member
thats what thos banana looking things were. i totally just thought it was bud growth.....thanx man


Well-Known Member
you must be very careful with cheap mechanical timers and some cheap digital timers. I've had situations where equipment hasn't turned off and on and cheap timers make way for problems. I've had flooding when i used to drip feed. 80L in a attic drippin thru the ceiling. lighting not switching and crops failing etc. Grasslin timers seem to work pretty good as I've used quite a few for some time and they have not fucked up in any way. Always be on guard, check them daily, and sometimes baring witness to the switch.