Tiny White larve on buds??


I had the microscope out looking at my buds and noticed these tiny white larve crawling in the buds looked like a tiny magot? They do not look like the gnat larve they don't have the black head and there just on the buds and i'm 6 weeks into flower. I have never seen these i would take a pic but they would not show up. Just wondering what they could be and there is no damage to leaves or anywhere that i notice.


One of the more disgusting posts. I would toss that shit...........I mean what if you smoke it then you develop ringworm?


lol develop ringworm? I don't think its ringworm but thanks for the thought. I am trying to figure out what it is i wish i could take a pic but it would never show up. it looks like a tiny white larvea and it looks to have little antennas on the front i have looked all over and haven't seen a pic of this.