tips of first set of true leaves turning brown!?


New Member
20130920_145057.jpgHey guys! Im about 12 days in with this sativa maui waui. The lights use to be 2 inches away (cfl) but I moved it to 4 inches now. Im starting to worry now. Is heat stress the problem? Or do I have some nute deficiency
I'm growing in a 7 gallon smart pot with FFOF and perlite.


Well-Known Member
Need more info and pics what are you growing it in? Whats the ph? Are you feeding it how big is it? Im guessing its in hot soil and is burning.. But thats a guess


Well-Known Member
from what i see ,there fine looks just as plain as the thread.. pics dude we cant see what you see.


Well-Known Member
You can't see the picture!?
I see you added your pic in.

Is the soil still wet?
Hmm... I don't know how others feel about starting a seedling in such a large pot.
Soil tend not to dry out and cause you to over water. Because of the volume of soil to size of plant.
I do a step up method. Go from germ to pellet, to Solo Cup, to 1 gal fab pot, to my finial 3 gal.:peace:


New Member
Umm.. not soaked. I just dug my hand in here, it doesnt seem to be over watered. the tips feels crusty. If its over watered, wont it be droopy?

Keif Cheif

Kind of a large pot to begin the seedling in, but lets just not make you look bad and say that this is a mother and accidentally forgot to "root ball" them in small pots first. However, I feel that the reason that this is happening is because the soil blend that you are in is too hot (too many readily available nutrients already in it). Have you been feeding anything else on top of it? I would just make sure that the plant is not being over watered, and it will be fine. It might look a little ugly for a bit, with crunchy curling leaves, but it is just telling you that the pH is at a level that the plant is able to utilize the food in the soil, but there just happens to be a lot of it pre-blended. It would have just been better to go with a more quality soil, Ocean Forest is inferior to horse shit (not always, just the past few years). Look into blends like Mega Root, Air Max, Pro-Mix, etc. The idea is to get a highly aerated mix, preferably, and let the plants not get too much food at first. Let the cotyledons deplete themselves of the food already for them, and then start adding small applications of nutes. Good luck man, and enjoy that Waui, its a nice hardy strain for a sativa -Cheif