Tis the season to be rippin'


New Member
Rippers usually find bear traps this time of year here ... Now how do you report that to the hospital if you live that is .. Chances are you will die and we will leave your rotten azz for the Coyotes to fight over and consume...............


started grave yard about a week ago ..better to sleep during the day hottest and brightest part of it..people are more likely to try in the night easier for them i guess


hahaha i love this thread haha........green spotlights and a shotty named susan lol. a pack of loyal blue noses. rippers get ripped haha


Well-Known Member
Its so funny how you outdoors guys are bullshitting like you would actually fill a grave (SKORE) or leave a body for a coyote (ProfessorPotSnob).. You pussies know damn well you aren't doing anything even close to that. I think the best defense is like Robear said and have some pitbulls roaming around. That is probably the best security imo


Well-Known Member
Its so funny how you outdoors guys are bullshitting like you would actually fill a grave (SKORE) or leave a body for a coyote (ProfessorPotSnob).. You pussies know damn well you aren't doing anything even close to that. I think the best defense is like Robear said and have some pitbulls roaming around. That is probably the best security imo
not the dogs you need to worry about. Dogs are a roaming alarm. They let you know when something is wrong and let you deal with it on your own. Shoot at them- not on them and they wont come back.


Well-Known Member
i've been seeing a lot of rip thread lately. Keep your shit tight guys !! Or fall victim to the patch pirates and become a statistic.


Well-Known Member
theres so much you can do for securty. drivway alarms. work great. also just dig 2 foot holes 1 foot round all around your grow. place weed barrier land scap fabric ove the hole. steak it down with some sticks throw some dirt on it or grass clippings. most pewople who come in. well come in the dark. did you ever step in a hole in the dark youll be lucky not to break your leg or fuck up ur knee. or back plus your gonna make a shit load of noise. tie a sting to the fab with a bell a few feet away there gonna get worried and run of and if there lucky theyll step in anther hole as they run. nothing like finding a man with a brokin leg in you patch yelling for help. and begging to just help him. and let him go. always take wallet and id so you have a name if they come back next yr.


Well-Known Member
i also like to place traps that look like theyll work around my grow. like mouse trap shootgun shell. trip wire. and i find a road kill deer and throw it there. looks it it got shot and died theyll stop and go back


Well-Known Member
Is the deer for sex? I wouldn't be scared if I saw a dead deer unless I was a deer... Maybe kill homeless people and hang them around your plants? Make sure they are white tho that could stir up some hard feelings


Well-Known Member
Jpill lots of people go missing this time of year last year 2 mexican were shot and killed in humboldt its no joke when your growing million $ crops i personaly wouldnt cause i only have 31 left i carry a 9mm but for protection bears etc to me its not worth life behind bars.


Well-Known Member
i also like to place traps that look like theyll work around my grow. like mouse trap shootgun shell. trip wire. and i find a road kill deer and throw it there. looks it it got shot and died theyll stop and go back
yeah i thought you were weird in your first post, now i now your a weirdo !! You deer fucker ! lolol