TiT Incubator question...


Well-Known Member
Look at what you friggin' did. You made the weasel cry. You should know better than to upset the weasel. Yoooouuuuuu bastard. I oughta....


Well-Known Member
Unless your house is unusually cold, like below 65 degree F, I wouldn't even worry about it. I'd just let whatever you are doing colonize at room temp.


Well-Known Member
I saw a side-by-side where the incubator grew much faster than room temperature. 80 degrees is ideal, too hot and they won't grow.


I am really surprised to hear such low temps?? When I started a couple years ago I saw some side by side studies and 84 to 86 degrees seemed to be the sweet spot and it offered a nice range to drop ten degrees for fruiting because 74 and 76 are easy temps to maintain in fruiting... I have colonized at room temps (ranging 66 to 74) and when I incubate I get much faster colonization and I also think the mycellium is more vigorous and thick.

I had a grow room set up with 50 plants and two martha green houses so for a while I stopped using an incubator and starting using a box to keep them dark and the heat of the grow room to incubate them.. my results staggered. An incubator definitely is worth it and its a tiny extra step.

A big part about incubating for me, isn't just the jars for spawn, but also the trays after I have added sub and cased. I put them back into the incubator and that has really stopped contams too and I think its in part because of how vigorous the mycellium grows with a solid source of heat.

I am just now beginning to grow again after we moved into a new house. I had to take it all down for the move a couple months before we moved and now I have just now started emptying the storage unit out of my equipment. I am half tempted to order another aquarium heater and do a side by side again... although I feel like pc'ing all those jars would be the hard part lol have to run my pc four times to fill up two incys

There are a lot of options for mushrooms. If you are willing to spend the extra ten minutes and the extra twenty bucks an incubator is def worth it. Just remember that to fruit mushrooms want temps to drop. So if you incubate them at room temp you should have your fruiting chamber just a bit cooler than your room temps. I feel like it is easier to heat a process than cool a process... so instead of cooling the ten degrees into my fruiting champer I add the ten degrees during incubation so when they come out they get the temp drop they want. Its really all about fruiting. And, fruiting is really all about a drop in temp. However you chose to go about getting that temp difference between colonization and fruiting is really up to you because there are 239478329 options but an incubator gives you that temp control in a cheap way.


Well-Known Member
86 seems way too high. It adds 5 degrees inside the jar, so that'd be 91 degrees, which would not grow mushrooms...


Well-Known Member
If you set it for 80, then it's 5 degrees hotter inside the jar and it'd be 85, which is the sweet spot from what I've read.


Well-Known Member
Ok well one of my jars from the first time I started is doing ballin right now it's prob 3/4 the way done. Then when I started my new 12 jars on last Monday in the incubator I had it set for 80 perfectly the whole week and i still haven't seen jack shit and I only check them ab once every 3 to 4 days. I know I'm prob being impatient but damn lol. I wanna get this show on the road. Does anyone think my needle was to hot when I inoc? I got it really hot then ab three sec later if that shoved it down into the substrate. Someone got any ideas?


Well-Known Member
You already know how it is from the first jar. Mine are like that. I don't see anything for a while. I get impatient. I don't want screw the pooch with the ones that I already inoculated. I make more. Then, all of a sudden. Bam. The first ones are starting to move. Then Their almost ready for the next step. You already have the first part down. The hardest thing to do while this stuff is growing. Is the initial wait. So far so good though. You've fucked around with em. You didn't kill em. No contams as of yet. Congrats. Before you know it. You will be busy with fruiting/casing/spawning to bulk, or whatever you decide to do next. At least now you know that you will more than likely have more than enough jars around when the time comes to do more fruiting/casing/spawning to bulk.
Now you have to decide on that bc from your post, it seems like you may only have a week or so to decide.
Good luck homes. Just keep things clean like you've been doing.


Well-Known Member
Well finally today I am starting to see little white specs at my inoc points on ab 5 of the 12 jars. Thank god ha I was starting to lose hope. Thanks for all the help guys. I'm sure I will need more soon. Hope everyone is well. Peace


Well-Known Member
Good luck. The only thing about this stuff is the wait and looking for contamination. If you're used to growing the green. Then it's different. You can literally see progress on a daily basis. With this stuff, it's all internal.