to all u new outdoor/ gurrila growers


Active Member
Things u'll need-

2 5gallon buckets

Peat moss $9.98... " id say 60 gallons worth of soil "
Cow menure $1.45 a bag. 2gallons
Perlite 4.95 a bag. ¼ gallon
Vermiculite 4.95 a bag. ¼ gallon


* Mix vermiculite and perlite in bucket
*break menure with ur hands (the clumps)
*mix together well for 5 min

That's ur fertlizer and water drainage

Now if ur hiking out into the woods keep the peat mods in the bag!!
Instead of throwing it over ur sholder and tiering ur self out for no reason
This will probably be interesting to u older growers but

This is what ull need
1 towel
4ft of rope...ok now tie each end togeter so one end of the rope is tied to the Towel same with both sides, now this is were it gets confusing. ..

So now u got a big this will make it easy to understand. ..put ur rope towel on the ground. Now put ur bag on top"in the middle "
Now take another piece of rope,tie it to the middle of the towel and on the opposite side of the A figure. .is what I call it. ; ) bam that's that...

Now hale in ur load...when u get to ur dropzone take a 8*6 tarp from walmart $4..
&mix ur soil...

Another good idea I've come apon...go to a fish market and ask them for the guts..they'll b very happy to help...I tell them me & my buddies r going catfishing all week...


Active Member
I add bone meal, blood meal, wood ash , fish guts...but some ppl have different opinions on ferts...
Wood ash is a ph downer or upper I really don't no...
but its also high in p
In the n. P. k value. . ; )...I no stuff just not how to explain it...I'm just trying to help....

O and the peat moss weights about its pretty much dry dust but very effective
Ok well the funny thing is, Im planning on starting a gurilla grow next week.
so this is handy. But I'm not going to over complicate things for myself. That will be next year. This year I am just going to add some normal all purpose fertilizer and some good bought soil and mix it all up nicely and put in dug out circles where ill plant the plants when ready.

My question is...
do you have any good advice for things to do to help the plants keep water around them? for cases when I can't go out and water them myself. I live in a relatively dry climate so this is a prime obstical