to go hydro or not that is the question


Well-Known Member
Hey guys some of you may know my cistern setup im building.

My question is I'm really worried about electricity costs how much more electricity is it to run a hydro system? I'm going as low wattage as possible using led's i know controversy right there but hey trying to save on electric bill as much as possible any help is appreciated/.


Well-Known Member
the only added expense that would impact electric usage would be a chiller for the res, but not a major necessity if you have other ways to keep temps in control. the pumps really dont take that much.


Active Member
the only added expense that would impact electric usage would be a chiller for the res, but not a major necessity if you have other ways to keep temps in control. the pumps really dont take that much.
Agreed, My only extra wattage is 5w for each pump. Plus a few dirt cheap batteries for my meters. You should save more from the time hydro can save than you will spend on extra power


Well-Known Member
Hey guys some of you may know my cistern setup im building.

My question is I'm really worried about electricity costs how much more electricity is it to run a hydro system? I'm going as low wattage as possible using led's i know controversy right there but hey trying to save on electric bill as much as possible any help is appreciated/.
Your LEDs are going to disappoint with service life. Go CFL and know your lights are going to work or you're going to be able to get a replacement nearby. Try that with LED. Their time has not yet arrived until durability and continuous service life drastically improve. Old man's advice and thoughts.

Unlimited One

Active Member
Cfl's are definitely the answer! Funny how I happen to be reading Hamlet for school lol. They are working for me at the moment. Well Im on my first grow, havent flowered yet but they have my girls looking nice and healthy, getting big, and the pg&e hasn't increased as much as I feared! My biggest plant right now is almost 2'. I have a total of 483 watts.


Well-Known Member
I suggest you start with soil and CFL. Your cistern's insulation will work for/against you. Work on air flow big time - meaning air in AND out. Get that obstacle overcome and the rest will be easier. Not easy but easier. If you notice humidity at all during a soil grow then hydro will be a big economical expense with dehumidifers, the juice to run them and increased fan power to deal with the need for even better air exchange and dealing with sump pumps. And if possible dig a sump well before starting. A place to put a sump or trash pump if needed.

Remember - KISS. You lucked out (maybe) with the cistern. Keep that luck going and don't tempt fate.


Well-Known Member
I suggest you start with soil and CFL. Your cistern's insulation will work for/against you. Work on air flow big time - meaning air in AND out. Get that obstacle overcome and the rest will be easier. Not easy but easier. If you notice humidity at all during a soil grow then hydro will be a big economical expense with dehumidifers, the juice to run them and increased fan power to deal with the need for even better air exchange and dealing with sump pumps. And if possible dig a sump well before starting. A place to put a sump or trash pump if needed.

Remember - KISS. You lucked out (maybe) with the cistern. Keep that luck going and don't tempt fate.
No need for sump pump when done room will be completely sealed.


Well-Known Member
Cfl's are definitely the answer! Funny how I happen to be reading Hamlet for school lol. They are working for me at the moment. Well Im on my first grow, havent flowered yet but they have my girls looking nice and healthy, getting big, and the pg&e hasn't increased as much as I feared! My biggest plant right now is almost 2'. I have a total of 483 watts.
gotta agree with that.