to have unflushed bud or overdeveloped bud.whats the better way to go??


Active Member
This is my first grow and a.s.a.p,my first harvest.I have miscalculated my schedule a bit and have just fed my babies as of yesterday but just realized these are ready to be pulled now!!Any longer and I think I might be in whats better,pull em full of nutes or go ahead with the flush and wait.I was gonna flush them good today,go lights out for 3-4 days(I'm assuming they won't need water as my lights generate the heat for the room)and cut them it would be a 3-4 day flush I guess.Can't decide!!

Psychedelic Breakfast

Well-Known Member
Hey dreadful,

To be honest I'm on my first grow as well, but since nobody has said anything I'll share what i've gathered(not by experience)

they say that you dont need to flush if you're going to give it a good cure. It'll get rid of the flavor caused by the nutes and all that jazz. So if the buds are ready to be harvested, I'd think it'd be wiser to flush em, cut em, and then let them dry and then cure instead of letting them go longer than you want. But that's just what i'd do with the info i've gathered.

Hope that helps :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Need more info here.

But im gonan say your fine unless your pushing a heavy indica to week 20 you dont have to worry about "overdeveloped" bud. Hehe what the hell is overdeveloped bud anyways?
The longer you let it go THC starts to degrade and turns into cannabinoids. Meaning your gonna have more of that knock you on your ass couch lock high ;)


Active Member
over developed meaning passed it's prime where THC starts to turn and degrade.I got WW at 8 weeks roughly.I guess I don't really want to many amber tric's....would like a smoke I can take on a hike or some shit ya know.Not a big fan of the put you to sleep weed,it's good I'm just trying to get it right.I guess a better question is how harmful is it to pull with fresh nutes.I kn ow there is two schools of thought but I don't want shitty burning/tasting weed.

Thanx psych. That seems better....


Well-Known Member
over developed meaning passed it's prime where THC starts to turn and degrade.I got WW at 8 weeks roughly.I guess I don't really want to many amber tric's....would like a smoke I can take on a hike or some shit ya know.Not a big fan of the put you to sleep weed,it's good I'm just trying to get it right.I guess a better question is how harmful is it to pull with fresh nutes.I kn ow there is two schools of thought but I don't want shitty burning/tasting weed.
Reread my post ;)
More info. Not even a pic.

I'd flush rather than take the chance of having harsh chemical laden smoke that may leave with a sore throat.


Active Member
u say its roughly at 8 weeks and im sure its not been perfect conditions so u have a 2 if not 3 week window b4 it starts to degrade, so let it grow another week ISH then just give water for a week


Well-Known Member
Either way will work for you. If you are a believer of flushing i'm sure the bud will be great in a weeks time still. Especially if your strain has some sativa in it - they have a longer harvest window in my experience. My Jack Herer have milky trichomes for many weeks.
But if you harvest - slow dry and cure the bud will be very fine. In my experience drying and curing is where it all happens.
I drown my plants for 10 days - that boosts the curing process a lot.


Well-Known Member
At 8 weeks I would guess you don't have much in the way of amber trich's. hard to say without seeing them.


Active Member
i don't believe in flushing.
whatever flavor you desire can be achieved by using proper drying and curing techniques.

i run about 1600-1800 ppm up until the day before harvest.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
and thats why your bud crackles like crack rocks when you burn it NO MATTER WHAT YOU CANNOT GET CHEMICALS OUT OF YOUR BUD WITHOUT FLUSHING. It will never happen, you may get better flavor than a less time cure but it wont ever equal a flushed and properly cured plant i know because i tried it when i was a noob, took two identical cuts, flushed one in final weeks left the other at 1700ppm til cut, took WAY longer to get the same flavor out of the 1700ppm plant and on top of that it crackled and was harsh unlike the other. Both pulled same day same amount of time in flower same strain. To get chems or nutrients out of your bud you must flush it does not break down like chlorophyl take it a week longer it will make ur bud stronger too more amber in the trichs and then pull it and cure and dry it. Dont listen to anyone who tells you not to flush its a very bad misnomer people tend to spread around because they just dont know the difference between buds with chems still in em and flushed buds.

Also the reason you probably dont believe in flushing as you said is because you use agricultural organics nutrients, that shit is organic, organics dont need as much flushing as chems but they still need to be flushed. Have you ever had some herb that snap crackle popped as you burned it and it tasted like straight chemicals? I have and it was cured for six months the right way, still no good my buddy hashed his whole batch because of it, plant finished way earlier than he expected and he had to cut it tried to cure it out and it didnt work. He used Cannas organic line and it was still bad

i don't believe in flushing.
whatever flavor you desire can be achieved by using proper drying and curing techniques.

i run about 1600-1800 ppm up until the day before harvest.


Active Member
and thats why your bud crackles like crack rocks when you burn it NO MATTER WHAT YOU CANNOT GET CHEMICALS OUT OF YOUR BUD WITHOUT FLUSHING. It will never happen, you may get better flavor than a less time cure but it wont ever equal a flushed and properly cured plant i know because i tried it when i was a noob, took two identical cuts, flushed one in final weeks left the other at 1700ppm til cut, took WAY longer to get the same flavor out of the 1700ppm plant and on top of that it crackled and was harsh unlike the other. Both pulled same day same amount of time in flower same strain. To get chems or nutrients out of your bud you must flush it does not break down like chlorophyl take it a week longer it will make ur bud stronger too more amber in the trichs and then pull it and cure and dry it. Dont listen to anyone who tells you not to flush its a very bad misnomer people tend to spread around because they just dont know the difference between buds with chems still in em and flushed buds.

Also the reason you probably dont believe in flushing as you said is because you use agricultural organics nutrients, that shit is organic, organics dont need as much flushing as chems but they still need to be flushed. Have you ever had some herb that snap crackle popped as you burned it and it tasted like straight chemicals? I have and it was cured for six months the right way, still no good my buddy hashed his whole batch because of it, plant finished way earlier than he expected and he had to cut it tried to cure it out and it didnt work. He used Cannas organic line and it was still bad
hmmm,see now I dunno haha.Ya that makes sense for sure.well screw it...I'm gonna flush for a week and go lights out for the last 3-4 days,a happy first grow so I should try to do it how it's worked all these years.screw around next time!thanx guys!


Active Member
and thats why your bud crackles like crack rocks when you burn it NO MATTER WHAT YOU CANNOT GET CHEMICALS OUT OF YOUR BUD WITHOUT FLUSHING. It will never happen, you may get better flavor than a less time cure but it wont ever equal a flushed and properly cured plant i know because i tried it when i was a noob, took two identical cuts, flushed one in final weeks left the other at 1700ppm til cut, took WAY longer to get the same flavor out of the 1700ppm plant and on top of that it crackled and was harsh unlike the other. Both pulled same day same amount of time in flower same strain. To get chems or nutrients out of your bud you must flush it does not break down like chlorophyl take it a week longer it will make ur bud stronger too more amber in the trichs and then pull it and cure and dry it. Dont listen to anyone who tells you not to flush its a very bad misnomer people tend to spread around because they just dont know the difference between buds with chems still in em and flushed buds.

Also the reason you probably dont believe in flushing as you said is because you use agricultural organics nutrients, that shit is organic, organics dont need as much flushing as chems but they still need to be flushed. Have you ever had some herb that snap crackle popped as you burned it and it tasted like straight chemicals? I have and it was cured for six months the right way, still no good my buddy hashed his whole batch because of it, plant finished way earlier than he expected and he had to cut it tried to cure it out and it didnt work. He used Cannas organic line and it was still bad
the only time ive EVER had crackling buds is when i have smoked it wet, or un-cured.
i can personally guarantee that you CAN and WILL remove any chemical smell or taste by curing your pot properly.

yes i do use agricultural organics, but if you did a little bit more research you would find out that it is in fact NOT 100% organic and is actually a Synthetic/Organic fusion product.

i strongly disagree with your theory. why would you want to stop feeding your plants in the week when the most weight is put on your product? it just makes no sense at all to me, or some of the other reputable cultivators methods i have followed.

if your pot doesnt crackle, has a smooth taste, and burns clean Grey looking ash, then you have accomplished a proper cure and will have the best quality buds possible.

if you heal snap crackle and pop, find your smoke very harsh, and end up with Black or Blackish Grey looking ash, then you are too impatient to have the best quality smoke your plants can provide you..


Legal Moderator, Esq.
Flushing in soil never makes sense, it doesn't get the chemical taste out, they are made of those chemicals.

El Superbeasto

Active Member
I always said flushing is for toilets.

I tried flushing, and not flushing (in soil), and I noticed no difference in taste or the way it burns when smoked. I do believe it hurts yield though if you're not feeding your plant in it's last days, which when it swells up a lot, the last week or 2 is when they put on a lot of bud weight.


Active Member
i wouldnt flush becouse its better to have dry soil in the last days, if you use organic, dont worry. but if you used chimics wouldnt smoke it :(
the plant takes time to asimilate nutrients so if you give them food on the last days is a waste of time and money.