To resin or not


Well-Known Member
First do you like your bowls resinated? I like my better that way, my friends disagree but they break their glass every time they clean it. Seriously every time.

2nd guess I better smoke this resin, it came from great weed I did the evaporation method. Its going to grOSS.

Good morning people:hug:


Well-Known Member
Resin is the way foward, its always there in your time of need, iv got a cheap ass mini bong, that i was cleaning the bowl of resin from last night and didnt get close to breaking it, I only managed a small ball but still got me quite high, so well worth it imo.

Peace x

smoker toker

Active Member
Resin is great smoke.. and in my personally experience, gets you higher that actually smoking the herb... I love smokin resin when I'm all outta my stash. I've only broken one peice from scraping, but it wasn't even from scraping I was just being an idiot and didn't pay attention :-P... I once scraped two big ass bowls worth... got FUBARed.. it was great :D

:leaf:Smoker Toker:leaf:


Well-Known Member
yeh im not sure why it does, but it does seems to give you a 'fucked out of my face' high haha, dont hold me to this, but im sure the resin is full of the 'bad' stuff from burning the herb e.g cannaboids (are they bad stuff haha? ) so surely that must damage you? erm yeh i dont know what im talking about so im going to stop haha!

Peace x