Today I got stoned and fed my plants some diffrent shit, now I'm sober and worried.


Well-Known Member
Today I was in my grow room STONED OFF MY ASS and staring at my plants. I started reading this bottle of "ORGANIC ALL-PURPOSE premium slow release plant food" it said "MORE GROWTH MORE COLOR, PERFORMANCE GUARANTEED"(and some other stuff) I thought, damn, this shit sounds BOMB, and used half streangth for all my plants. Now I'm sober (kinda) and I'm worried that I put too much shit in there. Like two weeks ago I put blood meal in the soil. Then last Monday I watered with fish emolshion and superthrive. Now they have small defects (I will show pics) now this shit. I havent watered yet sence I put it in. Do you think they will be o.k? the NPK of the stuff I put in today is 10-2-8 and 3% sulfer 1% calcium. says it feeds for 30days



Active Member
hey i think they are going to be just fine. but if you still worried just give plain water to dilute the mix. (im no expert but thats what i have) hope it help...


Active Member
u should have have stared with 1/4 strength...i guess..your palnts will answer whether they will be okay ..look closely at your palntss...u might need to flush !!..the NPK ratio doesn't look alarming though !!


Well-Known Member
Water next time with just water as was already said. I don't think you'll even need to flush it was just temporarily too much crap.

Never allow yourself to work on the plants when you are that baked from now on. Staring is ok, but hands off.


Well-Known Member
they definitely suffering from over nuting, brown edges and tips bending, i would flush asap, leave a few days then use quarter strength...


Well-Known Member
if i just water, wouldn't that be like feeding them even more? the stuff i put in there today was a dry slow release plant food. How do I flush? Do I NEED to flush? would just watering overnute them even worse? it says the stuff feeds for 3 months!


Active Member
lmao im sorry but i read the header and i laughed for like 5mins im high though so yea you wanna be careful on the watering if you did it today it would be better to wait you dont want to overwater them that would just add more to the plant wait for awhile let it finish whats in there and water them again using just water(flushing) for flushing you might want to use more water to really get the soil saturated and all that crap will "flush" out if you flush immediately you run the risk of overwatering thats just me though and remember im high but it all makes sense to me right now :)