Toking with a cup of tea


Well-Known Member
So I was stood outside in the cold with a cup of tea smoking some harsh dry bud and I got this idea, I`m curious if anyone does this I think its great.

With a 3/4 full steaming cuppa in one hand and a spliff in the other take a large cheek toke off the spliff and gently blow it all into the cup and suck out before any of it escapes. Steamy goodness for dry bud.

Gives it a nice welcoming feel :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Naturally I've experimented with various inhalation methods when simultaneously trying to enjoy a hot drink ^^

Ah, I like starting the day outside with a spliff and a cup of coffee, hot cocoa or a glass of juice <3


Active Member
i fucking love tea
i prepare my own with an actual tea pot and tea leaves, not some lame tea bag
also the water is heated on a steel pot not a plastic water heater, those add a terrible taste to the water

tea is awesome
i also enjoy mate and green tea
i have a ginko tree but the taste is funky
hence i only drink ginko tea on funky days
try ginko and a joint you will feel awesome


Well-Known Member
So I've heard: ginko and pot go together well.

I like chamomile and peppermint tea. Mmmn peppermint tea ^^ Add a cookie or something and it's even better.


Pickle Queen
OMG gingerbread spice tea and hazelnut cream taste very similar to snickerdoodle cookies!! I also used the same tea bag in my pumpkin bong this year, in cold water of course ;)

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
My friend went over to Japan and brought me back the BEST green tea I've ever had. It tastes so fresh, and soo smooth. He said it cost him something like 65 U.S dollars. It came in a fancy box. Wish i could read Japanese so I could look up the company online. They sure know what good tea is!


Active Member
there is this green tea that idk it says Genmaicha on the side
trust me it is one of the best teas i've ever had
its green tea with roasted rice
tastes delicious and fills your stomach with pure love