Tomato Cones - Yay or Nay?


Virtually Unknown Member
Trying to decide if i want to purchase tomato cones for my pots so they have some extra support because they're obviously gonna become huge... what do you guys think? <---Plan on getting these.
Caging tomatoes works much better than staking. I buy a 50' roll of fairly sturdy 4' tall fencing with about a 2x4" size mesh. Cut sections long enough that they make a cylinder 2' in diameter. Probably get 8-10 cages that last forever. Works great for pot plants too.


New Member
The only disadvantage with cages is moving them about once planted , the cage can be a bitch when its in the way but once filled with a plant it will act as protection as well while moving it and the pot .. I do like cages but certain plants that I grow are restricted by them due to lack of light penetration , some strains get heavy and there buds lean to let light inside as an added benefit . I can make a plant a few ounces heavier by often allowing light to penetrate the lowers once its leaning ..
Interesting point you made, Professor.... I'll have to think about it and weigh my options... For sure going to go with the remesh wire cages though.... the fact that they make a perfect 2-in-1 system just sold it for me... and they are easy to make!
