Tomorrowland 2012


So every year there's this gathering in the Netherlands called Tomorrowland. I'm 100% saving everything I can to buy plane tickets to fly out there and plant myself in the middle of this amazing sight. Anyone else into events like thisss??

Amsterdam has made it illegal to sell marijuana to foreigners starting on January 1, 2012.
have fun being sober

The drug policy of the Netherlands officially has four major objectives:

To prevent recreational drug use and to treat and rehabilitate recreational drug users and will not be sold to foreigners starting in 2012.
To reduce harm to users.
To diminish public nuisance by drug users (the disturbance of public order and safety in the neighbourhood).
To combat the production and trafficking of recreational drugs.[1]


Well-Known Member
and it's illegal to sell marijuana to anyone here... what difference does it make?

plus who want's to smoke at that place? hand me the e please.


It's 3 days long. You can camp out in the concert area, it's in the middle of some forest. Great music + great atmosphere sounds amazing to me.

@Jesusofcannabis: Life isn't about smoking buddy. Not every decision made in life is fueled by some overwhelming need to take drugs.


Well-Known Member
this does sound awesome.. shitload of people all having a good time with some great music in the middle of fucking nowhere...

when do the tickets for 2012 go on sale? i'd go forsure depending on plane ticket costs.


Well-Known Member
plane is about $1700 both ways, plus when you add ticket costs and money for shit you might buy (including any drugs) you're looking at about $2700-3000.

i don't think anyone i know would be down to spend that kind of scratch to go there, and i'd feel nervous going to a different country without someone else you know?


Went on sale today ay 11am CEST, the 100.000 tickets were sold out after less than 2 hours... Amazing!
And a short correction: it's a festival in Belgium, not in the Netherlands.


True, the festival is in the town Boom wich is in Belgium! Must say it's a visual dream over there!