Too Much Electricity? Police Attention!


Well-Known Member
I only used the xbox because I thought it drew more power, but I don't know anything about that sort of thing. I have an xbox, that I use for XBMC and nothing else, and a DS that I play. I do have a sweet Sega Saturn though, I wonder if those are rare enough to fetch good money yet.
sega saturn? what was there like 4 games out on that thing? ive got a sega mastersystem and a megadrive. love my classics.


Well-Known Member
leo doesn't go around checking everyone's electricity bills and your power provider doesn't report it to them either. The only way your electric company would hand over your bill is if the leo "suspected" you were growing from "another" source which usually means ur busted anyways.


Well-Known Member
I think where this whole thing comes from is that asshole Sheriff John Brunell, on Cops he says, "The power company called us because this place had a large increase in power consumption." Bullshit. As usually John was lying, he can't tell the truth from his own ass. The power company called the cops because the house was STEALING power.

As was said, pay your bill on time, don't attract any attention to yourself, and you'll be fine.

Of course growing that large in an apartment is just asking to get busted...


Well-Known Member
I agree with what sleepytown says. from what I have heard, cops only look into your power bill if you're already on their radar. they don't go checking power bills for random people to see if they grow or not.
I do not think the cops have anything to do with electricity bills. The electric company may notice the increase in usage. A small amount in short period of time may not raise attention. But if it jumps 100 dollars a month and they compare data from previous years at the same place, then I am sure it will draw attention. Then they may investigate. People should stop thinking that police are smart. Most cops I know have piss poor attitudes, were bullied or suffer some other short coming. They are just average people doing a job. Nothing more, not super heroes of any sort.
They like to get on television and give off the impression that they are smart. Bullshit!!! Most bust are made because someone did something stupid!!!
A 200dollar jump in electricity may fall into that category


Active Member
Unplug your fridge/stove all appliances that are not being used and turn off the other lights use low power bulbs and you'll be fine if your that paranoid :joint: