Too Much Kelp Meal?


Well-Known Member
Rinse with fresh water, then rinse again to get the surface salt off.

The only thing I know about fresh kelp is using it for worm food and then using the castings. From people who tried to compost it, it gets a bit smelly and they ended up just buying it. LOL

BTW, the kelp sold is harvested from the N Atlantic, up around Newfoundland (?).

Thanks Wetdog..
hmm yeah the smell could be an issue, might just try it just because its something to do, even if i just chuck it in my garden. I was thinking once i had cleaned it then i could dry it and powder it sprinkle a little on the coir before watering?!
Bit off topic but i had actually wondered about how they process that stuff into liquids and capsules, i recon it would sell well, people go crazy for locally produce products thee days.
I could call them shit from the sea cure all capsules.. lol..sry.. bit stoned!!