too much light?


Well-Known Member
well if you think 5 inches is too close then set it to 10 inches and see how that goes, the only way to find the sweetspot for your area is too play around...
Hoping that something magical will happen when the lights are 5 foot from the plants will only result in your plants dying.
you may aswell put them inside your bathroom under that light lol


Yeah the reason that bigger plant has no branches and looks like a stick insect is because it isn't receiving enough light to make it grow, sure its sitting under a 600W globe or whatever you have but its much too far away for it to be able to give it energy.
check this thread out have a little read.
are you talkin about my tall one she dead and been cloned out I got her from a grower and he had just pulled a full cloner full befor that and I just finished her off


well if you think 5 inches is too close then set it to 10 inches and see how that goes, the only way to find the sweetspot for your area is too play around...
Hoping that something magical will happen when the lights are 5 foot from the plants will only result in your plants dying.
you may aswell put them inside your bathroom under that light lol
ill give it a try worst that can happen is they die


Well-Known Member
if the leaves start to canoe or start to look a bit yuck, then simply raise the light by a further 2 inches until you find a spiot at which they look normal again.
I think that will solve a lot of your issues.


I got home work to do so ill get back with you in a week or so to post results of ongoing tests. I think I will go ahead and flush them first. thanks for all advise. I really am a first timer so I expect to make mistakes and learn


hay just updating a bit I flushed and put the light at 30 to32 inch from pots, top of rims.
that is were I felt comfortable with the heat running at 82 deg. with fans on low.
I have seen in increase in new growth. though I have lost a lot of foliage, older growth.
they seem to be recovering.
when I flushed them I used water that ph. was 7 going in I used 5 gallons per pot.
at the last 1/2 gal per pot I saved the water and tested the ph. it was reading at 3.5 strait out of the dirt.
the next day I did a soil test from 1 pot the ph. was 6.0. the (n) was very low. (p) was high. the (k) was very low.
this is how the color match card read out any way .if the samples a re right. any suggestions on improvements?P12-03-15_09.26.jpg


Well-Known Member
5 inches would burn them I have heard that 12 inches from the light would be to close,, to hot. I dont have room in here for 2 lights think I will upgrade to biger room and also those poor little girls wer born on sept. 19th
I run my lights 20 inches away and thats aircooled. 24 to be safe


View attachment 3554036 View attachment 3554035 so how far from the light are your plants?
They should be able 5 inches from the tops of your plants for optimal growth, but from 5-7 inches you will find a sweet spot that they will like best.
Yes that would be fine if a marijuana plant could grow 3 feet without getting bushier, I have 4 plants in flower ATM in a tent the same size as yours I will attach a photo so you can see how crowded it will be with 9 lol.
I just switched from using CFL's to a 600 watt set-up. I read someplace that 18-24 inches was a good height for the MH 600...few days of that had little growth...moved light to around 7 inches and had almost 1.5" overnight...using your hand as a heat sensor is a pretty good test I think...i had my girlfriend use her hand...with my hands I can damn near touch the bulb!

harris hawk

Well-Known Member
use back of hand test to see if light are to close - if cfl's one can put them 2 inches above plant and no farther than 6 inches - depends on wattage (100 or 500 watter) but your new lights any were from 12-24 inches


use back of hand test to see if light are to close - if cfl's one can put them 2 inches above plant and no farther than 6 inches - depends on wattage (100 or 500 watter) but your new lights any were from 12-24 inches
I use 400w MH. open wing hood but octagon shaped I am about 30 to 32 from the pot my plants tallest one is 12 inch. so they got around a foot to grow before I got to move them I figure


use back of hand test to see if light are to close - if cfl's one can put them 2 inches above plant and no farther than 6 inches - depends on wattage (100 or 500 watter) but your new lights any were from 12-24 inches
12" sounds good...took my plants a few days to get used to 600 watts. I switched them from being under 7-26w CFL's to the 600...I had great growth with CFL's at 1" away from plants...always re-arranging the lights got to be a hassle, but I plan on using them again for vegging....some light burn tho on leaves running that close..


Well-Known Member
Except that 11-12" appears to be the average height for a 400mh in that chart you just posted. Someone told him to stay in the middle of the optimal zone and he did.
You prick haha, the chart says the optimal light distance for MH light starting at 5 inches (the chart is for LIGHT not for HEAT).
Meaning if you cannot control the heat that close your plants will not survive, and it's also just a guide so with that information we do as follows...
Set the lights closer and closer until we notice some damage, obviously don't leave it days at a time because youll fry the babies.
Once you find out how clos is too close for your area/strains then pull it back a touch and remember the distance you had.
Once the plants are bigger/flowering you can then try and increase the light again (atleast I do because I run my extractor 24/7).HPS dist chart.jpg MH_Light_Distance_Chart.jpg