Too much nutes WITHOUT signs of nuteburn?


Active Member
its a good question i have been pumping mine with nutes since the broke the surface of the ground, and everyone says to wait 2-3 weeks... but i figured if they can take it why not... and the could/have taken the retarded amount of nutes i have used... but i havn't seen any ill effects, and this may only be my luck... usually i go twise the ammount suggested, and haven't gotten any burn yet..

once again this may be MY luck so i wouldn't advise it, usually nute burn is how you find you have been using to much nutes, the other problem is nutes add to ph typicly, so you can have acidic soil the more nutes you put in...

if you keep your ph in check and watch for signs of burn i would say go for as much nutes as they can handle... just remember to FLUSHH, im outdoors so mother nature takes care of it... maybe thats why i can pump them with nutes.


Well-Known Member
its a good question i have been pumping mine with nutes since the broke the surface of the ground, and everyone says to wait 2-3 weeks... but i figured if they can take it why not... and the could/have taken the retarded amount of nutes i have used... but i havn't seen any ill effects, and this may only be my luck... usually i go twise the ammount suggested, and haven't gotten any burn yet..

once again this may be MY luck so i wouldn't advise it, usually nute burn is how you find you have been using to much nutes, the other problem is nutes add to ph typicly, so you can have acidic soil the more nutes you put in...

if you keep your ph in check and watch for signs of burn i would say go for as much nutes as they can handle... just remember to FLUSHH, im outdoors so mother nature takes care of it... maybe thats why i can pump them with nutes.

good post man, ive heard like too much potassium will affect the way marijuana burns (in a joint or blunt) Even tho the plant wasnt nute burned it was still too much nutrients