Tools of the trade!

In all my years of research, these are the best tools I've acquired in developement of grow techniques.

#1 Brix Meter; "The hand-held Brix meter was originally designed for farmers to know nutrient levels of their produce and when to harvest crops. This precision instrument (refractometer) has a drop or two of the sap (juice) of the produce placed on the glass and held up to the light to read the Brix scale of zero to 32. The higher the Brix reading, the higher the nutrient levels. Total dissolved solids (or Brix) are measured with the Brix meter. The number on its scale indicates the level of balance of nutrient uptake and complexing of sugars or proteins in the photosynthesis factory – the leaf. If Brix is low, even after several hours of sunshine, some element(s) are missing in the photosynthesis factory. Ions, if present, have not been “complexed” into sugars or proteins."

#2 handheld microscope; to view the "stoma (also stomate; plural stomata, Greek; mouth) is a pore, found in the leaf and stem epidermis that is used for gas exchange. The pore is formed by a pair of specialized parenchyma cells known as guard cells (look like little mouths gobbling up air under magnification) which are responsible for regulating the size of the opening. Air containing carbon dioxide and oxygen enters the plant through these openings where it is used in photosynthesis and respiration, respectively."A nice handheld microscope can see these pores and monitor the exchange of gases in real time proportionate to the response of the Stomata.

#3 Anemometer (wind guage); if you watch to stomata and let them tell you where they like the flow of air (wind speed) then you can regulate the airflow to the inth degree in proportion to growth factors. I found that having regulation of the airspeed in micro-climates is very desirous. Low flow in the early stages and higher in the bud growth stages are very satisfying for the plant...and they reward.

#4 Harvest master climate/CO2 control. Fuzzy logic self learning system designed to keep everything perfect...nuff said.

#5 Nutridose (Auto grow systems) Ph/ nutrients autodoser. I use Coco coir/ Perlite substrate and have the Nutridose prepair my daily nutrient levels every morning. Every day the plants are getting exactly what they need, unlike a resurvoir system that re-uses the same nutes every day. This is perfection. Instead of weekly changes, I scale my daily nutrients by computer every day. The grow response is amazing.

#6 Plant Turntable; I designed a turntable that rotates the plants so every square inch of surface area of each plant (4) get bombarded by photons at the perfect angle (45 degrees) to maximizes lower branch cola developement. So in stead of getting one main cola, you get 8-10 high yielding main colas.

And last but definately not least is PLASMA!

Light Emitting Plasma systems are like getting a little piece of the sun, maximizing the growth potential by full spectrum output. The future is here my friends.

I hope this helps someone. Peace.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Pics of the turntable please. I rotate my plants daily, but Im sure your turntable does a much better job.
A brix meter works by squeezing a leaf and measuring the sugars in the juice. If the leaf has a high Brix level it shows your plants love what your doing to them. if for some reason the levels are low, you know something in the equation is not right. Through trial and error and keeping an in depth journal you can eventually work all the variables out to where you are getting the maximum growth at every phase of growth which results in heavier yields. It can help evaluate every tweek you can do in a grow op. Get experimental that's my advice, but do it in a controlled manner.

It works in real time also. I showed a friend an experiment by measuring the Brix at the end of the seven day circulation of his nutrients and the response was very low, showing a deficiency in the nutes (when using a recirculation method, elements are used through the week leaving deficiencies) Then; ten minutes after changing the nutrients in the res, the brix responded by showing the plant had 4 times the relative sugars in the leaf.

(This is also the main reason I advocate coco coir/ perlite/ hand fed/ drain to waste system. Each day the plant gets exactly what it needs fresh.)

@ GrowTech, one 160 watt Light Emitting Plasma 41-02 emitter (release; next Feb) will put out as much usable (PAR) light as 300 watts worth of Ceramic Metal Halide, and it has a smooth full spectral radiant response, not the jagged response of peaks and valleys like all HID's. It almost perfectly mimics the sun. This effect is very desirable. Plus in my design the 'good' UV-A and Narrow band B (310 nm) is harnessed while cutting off any 'bad' UV.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
A brix meter works by squeezing a leaf and measuring the sugars in the juice. If the leaf has a high Brix level it shows your plants love what your doing to them. if for some reason the levels are low, you know something in the equation is not right. Through trial and error and keeping an in depth journal you can eventually work all the variables out to where you are getting the maximum growth at every phase of growth which results in heavier yields. It can help evaluate every tweek you can do in a grow op. Get experimental that's my advice, but do it in a controlled manner.

It works in real time also. I showed a friend an experiment by measuring the Brix at the end of the seven day circulation of his nutrients and the response was very low, showing a deficiency in the nutes (when using a recirculation method, elements are used through the week leaving deficiencies) Then; ten minutes after changing the nutrients in the res, the brix responded by showing the plant had 4 times the relative sugars in the leaf.

(This is also the main reason I advocate coco coir/ perlite/ hand fed/ drain to waste system. Each day the plant gets exactly what it needs fresh.)

@ GrowTech, one 160 watt Light Emitting Plasma 41-02 emitter (release; next Feb) will put out as much usable (PAR) light as 300 watts worth of Ceramic Metal Halide, and it has a smooth full spectral radiant response, not the jagged response of peaks and valleys like all HID's. It almost perfectly mimics the sun. This effect is very desirable. Plus in my design the 'good' UV-A and Narrow band B (310 nm) is harnessed while cutting off any 'bad' UV.
How is a Brix meter and a journal better then my syringe, eyeballs, and journal?

Not trying to be a smartass, just curious as to how that is better then using my eyes, pH, and TDS meters?

Is there a "perfect" Brix reading for plants or does each plant and/or strain have its own readout which you'll need to figure out by using your eyes, pH meters, and TDS meters?

Does that question make sense?
I have been draming about the fun of a turntable for my trees and mabe a verticle bulb.
Tea Tree, that's cool, did you know by hanging an HID vertically it will produce about 10% more lumens? (although you have to hang it inside the cannopy like you did to harvest the light) They'll actually last longer too.

The turntables are available now if you desire. They come in left hand and right hand turners. If you have two plants next to each other I recomend a right and a left (2 rights and two lefts work excellent in a square) so when they bump into each other they mesh and flow together not doing damage. They cost $150 each but that is nothing compared to the increase in photon yield resulting in increased harvest yield. The are very heavy duty electric turntables that can hold up to 50 lbs ballanced (rated at 20 lbs unballanced). They turn at 1 RPM which allows plants to be closer to the light without burning and provides a powerfull ally in the growth cycle.

Has anyone heard of the Calvin cycle? It's the process of the plant utilizing the stored energy between light and dark periods. Well, it was discovered that when the sun goes behind a cloud momentarilly it allows the plant to go through a small calvin cycle. I found that by rotating the plants 700 times per day it mimicks that effect without ever giving the plant a moment without light. Perfect.

(at least this is my interpretation of why my invention works better than anything else I've ever seen.)
That's a real nice one, they are just as effecient in the $100 price range. I do recommend getting a nice one. A hand held microscope is also a great investment. Then you can see if the stomata are eating their little globs of CO2. If they are close mouthed (that's what stoma means) they are telling you something is iritating to that area specificly.
How is a Brix meter and a journal better then my syringe, eyeballs, and journal?

Not trying to be a smartass, just curious as to how that is better then using my eyes, pH, and TDS meters?

Is there a "perfect" Brix reading for plants or does each plant and/or strain have its own readout which you'll need to figure out by using your eyes, pH meters, and TDS meters?

Does that question make sense?
High Bob,

Here's a practical application and I'll let your mind figure out the rest.
Ok, say you are using a new type of substrata or want to maximize your present system and you want to know the ideal pH level for the specific plant you are growing.
If you adjust the pH by one tenth of a percent and monitor the specific levels of active sugars in the plant you can find the perfect pH level for that plant in that strata with that nutrient base etc. Every situation is different so you can adjust accordingly. Can you tell the difference by eye between one tenth pH shift? Maybe at the end of a week you could, but by then the damage is done. But raising the Brix even 2 points can make a huge difference in yield and the response is almost immediate. The quicker you resolve an issue the less damage is done in the end which always results in higher yields. Then when you journal you work out the ultra fine details each time refining your system until after a while you wont need it unless you change something.

I've had friends think they where running the coon tune system with 5.6 ph in hydro from the veg stage (one example) and I showed them within one hour how adjusting the pH to increase the sugars resulted in a change in thier pH adjustment which resulted in double thier yield. They reward me nice.

(warning; using a Brix meter can become addictive!)

I've used one for ten years and I am telling you it is indispensable. Using a Brix (Refractometer) can also tell you the ideal time to change or increase/ decrease nutrient levels plus if you know what to look for it will tell you the perfect harvest time.

I can't believe that no one has a thread on this subject. This is the best thing you could learn to maximize any grow system.

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
High Bob,

Here's a practical application and I'll let your mind figure out the rest.
Ok, say you are using a new type of substrata or want to maximize your present system and you want to know the ideal pH level for the specific plant you are growing.
If you adjust the pH by one tenth of a percent and monitor the specific levels of active sugars in the plant you can find the perfect pH level for that plant in that strata with that nutrient base etc. Every situation is different so you can adjust accordingly. Can you tell the difference by eye between one tenth pH shift? Maybe at the end of a week you could, but by then the damage is done. But raising the Brix even 2 points can make a huge difference in yield and the response is almost immediate. The quicker you resolve an issue the less damage is done in the end which always results in higher yields. Then when you journal you work out the ultra fine details each time refining your system until after a while you wont need it unless you change something.

I've had friends think they where running the coon tune system with 5.6 ph in hydro from the veg stage (one example) and I showed them within one hour how adjusting the pH to increase the sugars resulted in a change in thier pH adjustment which resulted in double thier yield. They reward me nice.

(warning; using a Brix meter can become addictive!)

I've used one for ten years and I am telling you it is indispensable. Using a Brix (Refractometer) can also tell you the ideal time to change or increase/ decrease nutrient levels plus if you know what to look for it will tell you the perfect harvest time.

I can't believe that no one has a thread on this subject. This is the best thing you could learn to maximize any grow system.
Many thanks for taking the time to answer my question(s); not gonna lie, it does sound a little crazy to me and somewhat pointless (in terms of a cost/benefit of my time and money vs. my perceived increase in yield), but I''ll try anything once, so I'm gonna order one.
Many thanks for taking the time to answer my question(s); not gonna lie, it does sound a little crazy to me and somewhat pointless (in terms of a cost/benefit of my time and money vs. my perceived increase in yield), but I''ll try anything once, so I'm gonna order one.
Bob, consider this...before I found the Brix meter I would harvest between .5 and .6 gms per month per watt of light and I thought I was bad ass. All my friends thought I was the man and followed my leads. First into hydro, then Aero, then I discovered the Refractometer. By doing extensive tests using the Brix system I discovered out of all the substratas for Hydroponics, handfed drain to waste Coco has the best response in brix levels, and each new developement gained new insight. Now, with the new equipment keeping the perfect environment and ideal computer tuning of daily changes in nutrient and pH levels I ride a wave like I've never seen before. I now believe it is possible to get better than outdoor responses out of any plant. In the last test, all the details worked out to a harvest of around 330 gms plus keif from a 4 by 4 growspace using one 160 watt plasma light and my plant turners. Years of Journalling and working out all the small details results in that kind of payoff. 1.2 gms per watt per month @ 1.75 months.
Now my friends really freak.
P.S. before using the plasma, for the last three years we where using liquid cooled HPS in the same environment getting between 1 and 1.1 gm/watt avg. (1.2 one freaky harvest) but to nail 1.2 on the first attempt. This is so cool. It's like I was destined to find Light Emitting Plasma for the perfect Micro-Climate Growth Chambers.


Active Member
A brix meter works by squeezing a leaf and measuring the sugars in the juice.
How many leafs do we have to squeez from each plant to get enough sap for a reading?

How often should we test our plants?

if the reading is low, do we increase the strengh of the rez and if it's high do we lower it?

Please give us more on this topic, I'm getting ready to order my Brixmeter. Thank You.


Active Member
besides checking the sap from a leaf, can I use the refractometer to test the nutrients in my reservoir?


Well-Known Member

Love to see pictures of the turntables and the whole automated drain-to-waste setup