Top leaves look strange


Active Member
Hi all currently vegging this strawberry cough in 18 l pots. Potted up week and half ago. I looked in yesterday and noticed that new growth on top of plant (top leaf on left) looks kind of stunted and pointing upwards like the leaves haven't formed properly. My gut reaction told me that she needs re-potting but I'm not sure this is it as they were done not long ago. Other than this plants are healthy looking. Can't find this one in any of the stickysIMG_1428[1].JPG IMG_1427[1].JPG


Active Member
Could just be a deformaty, one of my leaves decided to grow out like normal but then cut right at almost a 90° angle. Didn't seem to effect anything else.


Active Member
Yeah I've got to say this is where my mind went also the outake fan failed (actually blew up) so there was no venting for like a half hour but it was only under a 250 and I assumed this wouldn't be enough to stress them. Guess it may have got too warm. I love the diamond reflectors for light spread but damb they throw down all that heat!
looks fine to me.. like maybe it's going asymetric is all
Could also be a possibility, would this be the case if she was a clone because I noticed she started with alternating nodes?

Anyway whatever it is it's always useful for something like this to come along to make you eat more humble pie