Top Leaves Turning Brown.


Active Member
I dont see any perlite in that soil... remember perlite is your friend.
I am a noob but it almost looks like you damaged it or burnt it. Did the top of this plant ever touch your lights or get to hot?


Well-Known Member
that seems to be Boron, soil ph under 5.5 or over 6.8, sandy soil low organic on matter and or lack of nitrogen could be the cause. To avoid this try to keep the ph below 7 and to improve the moisture as well as retaining light soils with good drainage. One of the ways you can fix it is to either foliar spray or water regular. Treat with one teaspoon of Boric acid per gallon of water. Other nutrients that have boron in them are: Borax, Boric Acid, Colemanite, Sodium pentaborate, Sodium tetraborate, which are ALL fast absorption.

Credit to 420 magazine


Active Member
that seems to be Boron, soil ph under 5.5 or over 6.8, sandy soil low organic on matter and or lack of nitrogen could be the cause. To avoid this try to keep the ph below 7 and to improve the moisture as well as retaining light soils with good drainage. One of the ways you can fix it is to either foliar spray or water regular. Treat with one teaspoon of Boric acid per gallon of water. Other nutrients that have boron in them are: Borax, Boric Acid, Colemanite, Sodium pentaborate, Sodium tetraborate, which are ALL fast absorption.

Credit to 420 magazine
I am a noob and in no way am I questioning you if your an experienced grower.... BUT, If they are the same strain in the same medium getting the same water how could it be a Boron issue? What causes it?
Again I am a noob just trying to learn something.
I am using one 250w clf. Don't know what temp it is but feels quite cool. No it isn't miracle grow soil, no nutes at all. its strange because the other plant has been treated the same and that looks fine.? the soil in the new pot was very cold when i transplanted it, could this be a factor?
Just measured PH at 7.6 so adjusted water to 5.8 and added nutes. Dont know if this will work but plant is dying fast so worth a try. Both plants are Lowryder #2, i was hoping to turn 1 hermy with coladial silver and pollinating the other 1. Just have to try and self pollinate it if this 1 dies.


Well-Known Member
The soil is John Innes seed compost.
copy/paste from JIS info.

Levington John Innes Seed Compost is a traditional mixture of loam, peat and sand. This compost uses sand in place of the grit used in the other John Innes formulations and like John Innes No.1 it is low in nutrients. The use of sand increases drainage in the compost to aid the development of seeds and seedlings.

need to start feeding them.


Well-Known Member
I am a noob and in no way am I questioning you if your an experienced grower.... BUT, If they are the same strain in the same medium getting the same water how could it be a Boron issue? What causes it?
Again I am a noob just trying to learn something.
Buddy I really don't know why this single plant is showing those sings, as I said soil ph under 5.5 or over 6.8, sandy soil low organic on matter and or lack of nitrogen
cause a Boron deficiency. B is rare to lock I just did a cross comparison of the theory and the signs of the OP plants as this never has happened to me before. I could even be wrong


Well-Known Member
Sometimes plants react differently to different things, although that is a marked difference...I have no idea what it could be unless there is just something wrong with that one plant..and 2 seeds even from the same plant will grow differently, perhaps that one just needs more nutes than the other...It does look very very sick but the other one looks great! And it might recover and be just just never know.


Well-Known Member
It really looks like it got super hot somehow...I don't know there anyway that where it is positioned is somehow different than the other?


Well-Known Member
I agree man, wouldn't spend my time trying to save that plant which is agonizing, nevertheless you can top her and see if the lower branches manage to survive, you did feed nutes right? (I see the moist soil where it was dry before). Given cannabis plant clones so easy why don't you just get a replacement?
No it cant be heat it feels cool in there. Its really gone downhill quick, yesterday it was looking better than the other 1! strange.


Active Member
Buddy I really don't know why this single plant is showing those sings, as I said soil ph under 5.5 or over 6.8, sandy soil low organic on matter and or lack of nitrogen
cause a Boron deficiency. B is rare to lock I just did a cross comparison of the theory and the signs of the OP plants as this never has happened to me before. I could even be wrong
Thats cool, Again I wasnt trying to bash on you just trying understand it and learn something myself.