Topping AK47 and White Widow?


Well-Known Member
I read that genetically certain strains respond to topping differently. Some good, some not so great.

After doing a bit more reading, it seems the general consensus on AK47 is that it should not be topped. And that White Widow is actually encouraged to be topped. But i've heard yes and no for both.

They'll probably be ready by next week to top.. they'll be 30 days soon.

Just like to ask here to get another opinion on what i should do! the only thing i've cut off my plants so far were the bottom yellow leaves.. should i start pruning? I'm a little unsure about the whole pruning thing..


Well-Known Member
My AK47 grow (in my sig) gave me almost 400g wet weight and I just let it grow naturally. Thats not to shabby :hump:

I know alot of you guys saw my baseball bat/main cola pic...if ya didnt, here she goes :)
