Topping, Good idea or Bad Idea?


Active Member
Hmm i'll have to experiment because i'd me more than fine with that! lol
Sounds good cant wait to see the results but that is something to figure the size of your space if you can get more yield from like 6-8 untopped plants then like 4 topped plants it might be better to not top and just have more plants.


Well-Known Member
if i can find the damd pictures on here i can show ya the difference between the topped and untopped. if you go to my grow room and check all my threads youll be able to find pics of it.


Active Member
i basically know the diffence but if you can fit more untopped plants in the same space then topped and the yield is bigger with the untopped then why not do it?


Well-Known Member
I've switched over to topping. I've been getting better results. I top them at about 8 inches and once they get to a foot I chop off all the lower branches and fan leaves leaving only the tops. It will look like you're going to get less because there is less density but all of you real weight is in the tops. You eliminate all the little popcorn buds and you save lots of time trimming because you're only trimming top colas. Popcorn takes forever to trim and you don't get squat in the end anyway. Here's some pics of my latest session. Week 1 of flowering. Topped them 2 weeks ago and pruned all the lower growth just before switching to 12/12. My grow journal shows my old grow from about a year ago where I didn't top. The plants got big with huge colas but they were so bushy with popcorn buds that it was crowded. Now I can top the plants, fit twice as many and get a larger yield by only having top colas and eliminating the small buds below. With such a tight canopy you don't get much light penetration the lower branches if any.



Active Member
yeah this is what i was thinking if you can fit more plants in a smaller space even if the plants have a smaller yield overall you should have a bigger yield.


Well-Known Member
Yeah it depends on what exactly you're talking about. If you're comparing an untopped plant to a topped one, the topped one will almost always give you greater yields. Especially if you use Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to get 2 or 4 MAIN Colas, you'll hormonally cause the plant to produce four main trunks, not a bunch of smaller colas. So if you're looking to maximize yield from a single plant, this is the way to go. This makes sense for a lot of people growing under medical limits or in areas where certain numbers of plants are legal or decriminalized. In my area two mature plants is a misdemeanor, so it would make sense to grow fewer topped plants. If you're just looking to maximize yield in a space, many people feel SOG or SCROG is more effective, but each plant yields way less.


Active Member
well the grow space i have isnt very big. and i can probably only grow 2 plants at once with the setup, would i have a bigger yield using uncle bens topping or some other form of topping?


Active Member
Well my opin. is that you would get more yield for your two plants if you top
using UncleBen techique.
Thats what i do and i get more topping than if i don't top.
Just a suggestion thou.